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  1. Aminah 4 Allah

    Confused! What to do...

    Hi, My name is Jill, I am a "white" Canadian revert to Islam. My husband is also a white Canadian revert to Islam - he reverted to Islam before we got married. He was concerned that some people may have seen this as a conversion for marriage but it was his own decision and he was not...
  2. Aminah 4 Allah

    Questions about Zakat

    Assalamu Alaikum Sister, Yes, you do have to pay zakat on non-delinquent loans that you have given out. To accurately calculate your zakat I find it helpful to use an online calculator such as the one found at: With regard to...
  3. Aminah 4 Allah

    Dua Request for My Brain Tumor

    JazakAllah Khair JazakAllah Khair to all of the brothers and sisters who have replied to my post and are keeping me in their dua's. Allahu Akbar!!
  4. Aminah 4 Allah

    Treatment of Jinn Possession, Evil Eye & Black Magic

    Assalamu Alaikum, Due to my current illness my husband took me to speak with the Sheikh at our local masjid. Actually when we went to speak with the Sheikh there were 3 Sheikhs there (2 were guests in our masjid). Anyhow point of where this is going is that our Sheikh provided me with a...
  5. Aminah 4 Allah

    Dua Request for My Brain Tumor

    Assalamu Alaikum My Dear Brothers & Sisters, Alhumdulilah Allah swt has blessed me with this difficulty. I know that Allah swt removes the sins of a believe through their patience in times of illness and calamity. I feel so blessed and so loved by Allah swt that I have been given this gift...
  6. Aminah 4 Allah

    MAYBE someone will realize what Palestinians go through every day!

    Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, We as an ummah need to be aware of the extreme trials Palestinians are facing each day! What a terrible, absolutely terrible and unthinkable situation! Inshallah please look at this website and share it with other Muslims in the community inshallah...
  7. Aminah 4 Allah

    Who is Jesus really?

    Assalamu Alaikum Sakeena, Alhumdulilah that sounds great to post it on a Christian and non-Muslim forum. I posted this lecture here for reverts, like myself, to help clear the fog surrounding Jesus and his Christian story. I found the lecture to really direct me towards an 'Islamic view' of...
  8. Aminah 4 Allah

    Who is Jesus really?

    Assalamu Alaikum Peace2u, I am not sure if there is anywhere you can view the video on the internet. I have the lecture on DVD that I ordered from a website in the UK: . It may be on if you search through Khalid Yasin's lectures and look for...
  9. Aminah 4 Allah

    Who is Jesus really?

    The Historical Jesus Lecture Continued Assalamu Alaikum, The lecture wouldn't fit all in one post so inshallah here is the rest of it:
  10. Aminah 4 Allah

    Who is Jesus really?

    Assalamu Alaikum Dear Respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam and Non-Muslims, Inshallah you will enjoy reading the lecture given by Khalid Yasin that I have now transcribed. As I was an evangelical Christian before reverting to Islam I love this lecture because it explained to me all of the...
  11. Aminah 4 Allah

    Nasheeds - What's allowed, what's not?

    Assalamu Alaikum sister, I have looked at these past threads and as they are very helpful in discussing listening to nasheeds and how listening to the Quran is a much better choice I was simply wanting to know what sort of sounds are Islamically allowed to be in nasheeds. I have looked into...
  12. Aminah 4 Allah

    Polygamy in Islam - Please help me be accurate

    Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, Thank you all for your responses!! In relation to Muhammad (may peace and blessing be upon him) saying that the more wives you have that you treat equally and Islamically the more reward you will have. We have to remember that the Quran is our FIRST...
  13. Aminah 4 Allah

    Bible proofs of Jesus?

    Assalamu Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, Those of you who state that the Bible is not accurate are right. The only real evidence we do have of what happened to Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) and that He (peace and blessings be upon him) is not God is from the Quran...
  14. Aminah 4 Allah

    salam our eid has just begun

    Assalamu Alaikum, EID MUBARAK to you and your family! May Allah swt bless all of you on Eid inshallah. Wassalam, Aminah :hijabi:
  15. Aminah 4 Allah

    Nasheeds - What's allowed, what's not?

    Assalamu Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters, As I understand from another Muslim, nasheeds are only to have drums and voices in them. But I bought a CD A if for Allah and at the very beginning of the CD is says that this CD only contains noises of drums, percussion, voice and nature sounds in...
  16. Aminah 4 Allah

    Polygamy in Islam - Please help me be accurate

    Assalamu Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I have had a non-Muslim ask me the following: Alhumdulilah she has given me an opportunity to respond to this. I have been preparing a response to this statement but inshallah I want to ensure that I am as close to 100% accurate as...
  17. Aminah 4 Allah

    Women Praying at the Mosque - Did you know???

    Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, Bismillah Alrahman Alrahim. In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Benificent. Have you heard of Zarqa Nawaz? She is a Musliminah living in Canada who is responsible for the creation of the hit CBC TV show Little Mosque on the Prairie. She also...
  18. Aminah 4 Allah

    Cancer Update from John Hopkins

    CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS HOSPITAL , US - PLEASE READ Please circulate to all you know Cancer update -- John Hopkins -- Cancer News from John Hopkins: 1. No plastic containers in micro. 2. No water bottles in freezer . 3. No plastic wrap in microwave .. Johns Hopkins recently...
  19. Aminah 4 Allah

    My posts don't appear!!

    Assalamu Alaikum, Thank you sisters for your advice and this is too bad that you can not copy and paste at the moment. Inshallaha the problem will be sorted out soon. I have now been able to make my post but it was sure a lot of typing. May Allah swt be happy with me for it inshallah...
  20. Aminah 4 Allah

    one step towards allah,

    Assalamu Alaikum brother undeeniable, What a beautiful story. May Allah bless the Moroccan Brother for his kindness towards you and your wife. Inshallah everything will be okay with your car and you will not have any further stresses with it. If I am understanding you correctly, both you and...