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  1. P

    My story

    I just realized my typo. It was in March 2006 not 2007. :)
  2. P

    My story

    Well now that I have introduced myself I supposed I should tell everyone my story. Here goes. In March 2007, I was sitting with a friend in a Starbucks and I a group of guys showed up. They were all sitting around and speaking a language I didn't know. Well long story short, all but two of...
  3. P

    A new Muslim!

    Salam alaikom. I am a new revert to Islam and I could not be more happy!! Alhumdulilah I was able to say Shahade during Ramadan this year. It was the happiest day of my life. I lived in Myrle Beach, SC where there are not many Muslims but the community welcomed me with open arms. I have never...