My story



4 Caliphs in order :Abu Bakar ,Umar , Uthman and Ali ( RA ajmain).

Allahu akbar , Allahu akbar , Allahu akbar,
Congrats for becoming a muslim . I thank Allah for guiding you.....
Just want you to know you have at least 1 billion muslims to back you up for anything, inshAllah.
MashAllah, your hunger for islamic knowledge, May Allah keep this going for you.
May god grant you jannatul firdaous.

You can join the sisters section. Im sure they would love to know and get to know you better.
Well now that I have introduced myself I supposed I should tell everyone my story. Here goes.

In March 2007, I was sitting with a friend in a Starbucks and I a group of guys showed up. They were all sitting around and speaking a language I didn't know. Well long story short, all but two of them left. The two that stayed ended up talking with me and my friend. They took us to dinner and a movie. This was the start of the most wonderful relationship I have ever had. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met. Him and his friends are from Kuwait. The more time I spent with them the more I realized I didn't know anything about their culture or society. So I started reading and I found out that their society is based of shariah, which I learned is Islamic law. Well then I started thinking about it and realized I didn't know anything about Islam. I decided that in order to understand them I needed to understand the religion. So i asked a lot of questions and read lots of things online. Now having said this I don't want anyone whose is reading this to confuse why I reverted. I didn't do this for him. I don't believe anyone should embrace any religion unless they feel it in their heart. Ok, so after reading for about 9 or 10 months I decided that Islam was the right path, the path I wanted to follow. I purchased 2 hijabs from an online store and when they arrived in April of this year. I didn't know any Muslims in my area at the time because by this time all my friends from Kuwait had left the US and gone home. So I was alone. I didn't have a car and didn't know where the mosque was. So I said shahade in my home, alone. I started to wear my hijab all the time. Then I moved from Virginia to South Carolina. After going there I started to have a hard time wearing hijab. No one wanted to give me a job or talk to me. I felt so isolated and alone. I would pray and pray. I thought about it and realized that Allah doesn't want to make your life harder than you can handle so I took off my hijab so I could get a job, and I did get one in a sandwich shop. About a month after this I ran into the first Muslim I had seen since I moved there. I wass starting to think I was the only one there. She was in the bank one day when I was there and I was so so so happy to see her. I walked right up to her and said SALAM ALAIKOM. I asked her about the nearest mosque and about any other Muslims. She said there were only about 35 there and the mosque was very small. I didn't care about these things, just to have a mosque to go to was good enough for me. This same sister helped to realize that I should not bend for anyone when it comes to my religion. That they should except it. So I put my hijab back on and met all the other Muslims in the community there. I made many friends while living there and I miss them. They learned that I had not said shahade in front of anyone so during the last ten nights of Ramadan I went to the mosque and it was the first of the ten nights that I shahade in front of the entire mosque. :tti_sister:

I could be happier with my decision. When my friends from Kuwait found out they were so excited and happy for me. They have sent me clothing from Kuwait and more hijabs. I have a wonderful support system. I know live in Baltimore, MD where I meet a different sister everyday, alhumdulilah. I feel so lucky to have made so many wonderful friends and to have had Allah guide me to the Straight Path. I welcome any new friends and anyone who has information to share with me. I have made a plan for myself. Each week I like to learn something new about Islam. This week I am learning about the 4 Caliphs. I am having trouble remembering all four. I can only remember 3, Abu Bakhar, Omar, and Ali. Please forgive my spelling if it is wrong. I wish I could remember the 4th. So anyone with more knowledge on this subject please feel free to contribute. I would love to learn. Thanks to all for reading and salam alaikom. :hijabi:


Junior Member

allah bless u
welcome to islam..
i'm sosoos happy ,cuz,u become a muslim
this's a wondeful story:wasalam:


Junior Member
Firstly Mabrook sister on becoming a Muslim.I welcome you to Islam & this beautiful community @ TTI.U will surely find TTI on the list of your friendship as there are a lot of sisters & brothers who can assist you.Inshallah
Verily Allah SWT guides whomever he wills.
Sister U have been blessed to find the right path with the mercy of Allah SWT.:ma:
Nice to know how high is you thirst for Knowledge of Islam and may Allah SWT increase it Inshallah.



striving 4 Firadous
wa alaikum salaam

sister you are living in Baltimore.........I am from Baltimore too, insha'allah I will be back there this saturday or early sunday morining. I am currently in Norfolk, Va in college but semester is coming to end. If you dn't mind me asking. What part of Baltimore do you live?



Masha ALLAH....sister very touchiing story....may ALLAH (SWT) keep u and all of us on the right path and shower HIS blessings upon us all...


New Member
Congratulations.......... Muslima

Allahu Akbar.......... I'd like to thank you for telling people about your experience in converting to Islam and how you really convinced with Islam. Let me please offer some help to you to get start correctly on the True Path.... My name is Ramy Essam from Egypt...... I know alot of islamic websites that, through which, you can learn more about the Islamic Feqeh "teachings of Shareaa" beside, I can provide you with sofwares about Holy Quran translated into English to make it easy for you to understand perfectly what is Islam...... my e-mail: ramy_behery*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!


New Member
Congratulations.......... Muslima

Allahu Akbar.......... I'd like to thank you for telling people about your experience in converting to Islam and how you really convinced with Islam. Let me please offer some help to you to get start correctly on the True Path.... My name is Ramy Essam from Egypt...... I know alot of islamic websites that, through which, you can learn more about the Islamic Feqeh "teachings of Shareaa" beside, I can provide you with sofwares about Holy Quran translated into English to make it easy for you to understand perfectly what is Islam...... my e-mail:


Striving for Paradise
Welcome to Islam.

Allahu Akbar... Allahu Akbar... Allahu Akbar...

Sister I am so happy that you got the truth and accepted Islam. You are a special person in the eyes of Allah, you have a quest for truth so Allah guided you towards it, and now you are Muslim. :mashallah:

There are so many people who are in the same situation as you were in 2006 yet they see nothing. So I think you are a blessed person.

May Allah shower His mercy on you and grant you what every one should be striving for - Jannah !

Welcome again sister. :SMILY206:


New Member
islam will back

any story to any one convert to islam ,make me tear my eyes

islam is the right path
islam is the right path
islam is the right path