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  1. J


    True that. Exactly what is said in that poem, that's how it is. Well done...*cow grin*
  2. J

    Brother From the U.S

    Hey Hey Hey! Let's all part like the Red Sea! I'm me! Jester Mc Funny! And my mock scepter, De Mcrolly! We are, in the house...and ready to; Partay! This was a great way to welcome a person, and I know so, for I am an introducter. And behold! This is a welcoming message! So, now that...
  3. J

    Name a surah!

    Surah Nooh. 'Nuff said.
  4. J

    Assalaamu Alaikum.

    Oh no, I can be pretty scary too...Oh I can go...Rar! Rar! With the claws, and the RarRarRarRarRar! Hahaha, ahh yes you wouldn't want to run into me in a dark alley...*mumbles* There he is! My brotha my playa, the smilie-slaya! Heh heh, you only made a one word post. (This is just between...
  5. J

    Assalaamu Alaikum.

    I could, I'm too smart for you! Nyahahahahaha! No worries, man! That's like, my speciality! Ameen to that, Hijabi Woman. welcome *Looks left and right* Don't worry, a lot of Jester's weren't total idiots. I know one of 'em! *looks in the screen and whistles*
  6. J

    Assalaamu Alaikum.

    Hoho, three replies so far. I'm sure I will, strong man. It looks more like a forum, it'll do fine, I'll welcome myself aboard. Thanks for dha input. Y'know, I may be a Jester tryin' to take over the forum and all, but on the positive side, I'd entertain you for free. *Nods*
  7. J

    Assalaamu Alaikum.

    Hi everyone...heh. I'm lovin' TTI, great place. First of all, very clean! I've also come to take over this forum... Don't worry, it's a joke! You were scared for a moment weren't you? Hahahahaha, what a gag! ...Still...