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    important Question

    a very common saying that couples r made in heaven, its very true. some time u love some one and try ur best to get tht person but u can't. and some time u get some one just out of blues. so just trust ALLAH
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    salaam 3lykum everybody

    one of the most responsibility of women in islam is to bring up kids according to islamic vaues. unless women dont have proper knowlege of islam, they cant fulfill their responsibilities. so u gotta stydy quran and sahih hadiths. may ALLAH help and guide u.
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    Need friends to share

    seems like u r loosing ur heart. just remmember ALLAH has send us for some purpose. unless v dont fulfil that purpose, we'll be a lost person. if u wanna share ur problem, i m alway present to b a friend. u can email me any time. my email address, [email protected]
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    I want to buy Quran in english?

    there are lots of web sites where u can have translation and tafseer(commentry) of quran in easy english. i recommend few of them like, , . just go through these sites. may ALLAH help and guide you.
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    is abu talib considerd as a muslim?

    sis please correct that this surah tells abt ABU LAHAB, not ABU JAHAL
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    in fact israel is looking for greater israel. and they r trying to build 2nd temple at the place of ALAQSA. what zionist beleive that unless they don't build temple, their MASAIAH, (but our beleive DAJJAL) wont appear. zionist now preparing stage to make their dream come true. according to our...
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    To all my brothers and sisters in Islam

    there are many sites where u can get dawah technics. i recommend u to plz visit " ". its very informative. and Dr.Zakir Naik explains every thing and answers to very commen questions which is asked by non muslims.
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    ** Coca Cola contains alcohol? **

    i think better to bycott US products.