important Question


Well-Known Member
If i leave something for the sake of Allah, what happened to tying the camel and then making dua?

Asalaam wr wb, When you leave something for the sake of Allah then you are leaving something which may do harm to you or your imaan or something that will not benefit you but cause you trouble and sin in the short or long term.
Tying the camel and making dua implys that a person should for example revise for their exam and then make dua not just make dua and not revise! Same way a person should tie up the camel and not just leave it untied and go to sleep and make dua hoping that it will still be there next day! A person has to take action and also make dua and have tawakkul(Full hope in Allah) that Allah will accept it! Allah knows whats best for us in every aspect of our lives! Hope that helps! Jazakallah


Sister, if you have got positive results after istikhara, he might be better for you. But i dont think it would be appropriate for you to ask him.

Just keep doing prayers and avoid him as much as you can. Keep asking ALLAH for what you want. In this case, you aren not in the position of tieing the camel


Junior Member
WHY DONT U DO DAWAH WITH BROTHERS//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.PERIOD.




New Member
a very common saying that couples r made in heaven, its very true. some time u love some one and try ur best to get tht person but u can't. and some time u get some one just out of blues. so just trust ALLAH


Heros of Islam
you're situations quiet interesting i hope things go well for you :inshallah: i think there was a thread about praying the prayer for guidence istikhara i think you should try that and brother masbooth always has very good advice mashaAllah i'm sure you've had enough help from them so i don't really need to say anything anything i say will probably just confirm what they have already said
anyway it's nice to hear that you recently started practising especially if you live in a place like london or the US, it's like the hadith says
"there will come a time where holding onto Islam will be like holding onto a hot coal"
i myself recently started as well the situation was abit similar to yours, the person that had a slight influence on me...well basically i'm already in the course of getting married to her just waiting for examz and all dat to be over for now i aint bothered about it i'd rather gain more knowledge and do well in my exams and then get back at it proper...if i keep thinking about it its gna cause fitna anyway don't wana bore you wid ma essay
may Allah make things easy for you


Junior Member
Salam alaikum Brothers and sisters

I thank you all for the knowledge you gave me. I am so greatful to Allah that I was able to gain knowledge about this issue.

I would like to share with you all that, subhanallah, I had someone approach the brother and he was not interested at all.

I feel very hurt at this point because i felt as though it was the same from his side. Subhanallah. Only allah knows whats best for me. I have to be patient and inshallah, i will see this wisdom.

I dont talk to him at all anymore. Though when we do see eachother he speaks to me normally as he always did. It bothers me alot and it hurts alot but i have to pretend as though everything is okay on my end.

I want all brothers to know how crucial this is. Never ever become more than a brother to a sister. Because if you do not intend on marriage with her, believe me you are going to hurt her. Women are not as men. We are different. And Allah will question you on the day of judgement. Everything you did, allah will question you. So fear Allah.

Please keep me in your duas and any advice you can give to help me, please give.

May allah love you all and in turn grant you jannah


Well-Known Member
Salam alaikum Brothers and sisters

I thank you all for the knowledge you gave me. I am so greatful to Allah that I was able to gain knowledge about this issue.

I would like to share with you all that, subhanallah, I had someone approach the brother and he was not interested at all.

I feel very hurt at this point because i felt as though it was the same from his side. Subhanallah. Only allah knows whats best for me. I have to be patient and inshallah, i will see this wisdom.

I dont talk to him at all anymore. Though when we do see eachother he speaks to me normally as he always did. It bothers me alot and it hurts alot but i have to pretend as though everything is okay on my end.

I want all brothers to know how crucial this is. Never ever become more than a brother to a sister. Because if you do not intend on marriage with her, believe me you are going to hurt her. Women are not as men. We are different. And Allah will question you on the day of judgement. Everything you did, allah will question you. So fear Allah.

Please keep me in your duas and any advice you can give to help me, please give.

May allah love you all and in turn grant you jannah

Asalaam wr wb sister glad to see that things turned out for the best! One day you will look back and think that these feelings you had for him are nothing because they are just a deception of shaythan! You will find the best partner for you in the future inshallah just have patience and do things the right way as in get it arranged for you! The biggest mistake you did was to be freinds with a guy in the first place! Islam teaches us prevention is better than cure so it is forbidden for us to have any kind of contact with the opposite sex and your case was the perfect example why this is so! Sister you should not continue to talk to him when you see him and you should not befriend any guy because you know now why! Friendship leads to feelings developing and it is also forbidden for us to befriend the opposite sex who is not our mahram! So sister i strongly advise you NOT to continue to talk to this person! Also you are just hurting yourself more as you continue to talk to him because your still recovering from the scarring from this case!
Sister Allah is helping you but pls help yourself aswell and that is to have NO contact whatsoever to him or any other guy! Now there is nothing stopping you from being the closest to Allah that you have ever been and once you are then you will feel more amazing than words can ever describe! Take care Allah hafiz!