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    Salaam! Welcome to TTI sister! :muslim_child:
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    A beautiful ATHAN in the church...

    That was really beautiful... moved me to tears. Allahu Akbar! :tti_sister:
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    New Convert Problem::Help::

    Salaam, I would like to thank everyone once again! Everyone is so helpful... after reading everyone's post, y'all gave me confidence, and I'm sure things will work out inshallah... May Allah bless each and everyone of you! :hijabi: (btw, I just noticed I left out the 'N' in convert in the...
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    New Convert Problem::Help::

    Thank you everyone for your replies. It's much appreciated :hijabi:
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    New Convert Problem::Help::

    Salaam alakium, Hope everyone is doing well and families are in the best of health. I have an issue about my mother. (btw, I'm a new convert) We are on the verge of "war"... I don't want to fight with her, nor do even bring up the subject of religion when I'm with her.. But, every time I go by...
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    12 Tips for the Convert Muslim

    Masha'allah! Thanks for sharing! It was very helpful... :hijabi:
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    Egypt's destiny will be known in a few hours

    I just heard that on the news a few minutes ago! Y'all have my thoughts and prayers! I'm so excited and happy for yall!! :hijabi:
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    Hello Everyone (Former Athiest)

    Mashallah ... Hello and a warm welcome to you Matt! I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here! Everyone is so awesome here!! btw, I'm a convert from the US too =)
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    Dua Request for Sister hassana elkoussi

    May Allah guide Egypt and her people safe... and make their energies worth the cause! Free Egypt! <3
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    If someone could explain this to me plez?

    Thanks! So, in other words, this is a "false" religion... they claim to be muslims but they are not? Just making sure I read that correctly...
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    If someone could explain this to me plez?

    Salaam alakium, My question is about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community within Islam... what exactly is that? There was a guy who said he was Muslim and he followed this... but when I looked it up, it confused me... it didn't look Islamic to me.... I'm a new revert and I was thinking- "Maybe I...
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    "NO" to dogs????????

    Salaam alaikum! I personally think all animals are nasty. Think about it- they lick they private parts after 'using it'. And then they lick their fur, well except their head.. unless they are a giraffe w/ a really long tongue lol. But then you pet their hair-the same hair they licked with...
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    Apple dumpling ... yummmm next: G
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    Poll For Converts Only

    I too was a Christian or so I thought... lol.. I was from a Christian-Catholic family that were not practicing. And I was about 21 when "they"-a group of christians- told me Jesus (pbh) is God. I was is shock! lol. I had never thought that growing up. And realized I knew nothing about my faith...
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    Hello- I'm new

    Hi! I'm sort new.. I creating my profile a while back and just started recently coming back. I would like to introduce myself. I'm Brandi from the USA. I like Islam very much and would love to learn more. And, of course, make new friends! In advance- Nice to meet you all! =)