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  1. J

    Freemasons and Islam?

    As a Mason I can tell you that this is far from the truth. We are not against any religion, as a matter of fact religion is one of the things that brings us closer as intellectuals. The idea is almost laughable that you can be both an atheist and a Mason at the same time. One of the main steps...
  2. J

    Guess what...?

    here's the proof
  3. J

    Any Video Game players

    am not very good at FPSnever really got intothem, but i can hold my own when it comes to game like madden or Live. by the way my gamer-tag is brolly217 on both PSN and xboxlive.
  4. J

    Any Video Game players

    anybody here plays Madden?
  5. J

    Halal Food Saves China Muslims

    First of all no manner how you want to do it Halal, Kosher or humane animals will feel pain no matter what. As for the argument that plants feel pain, there is one problem with this logic. In order for something to feel pain, it needs to have a nervous system.
  6. J

    Obama’s Treasury Candidates: Old Guard Of The Corporate Elite

    Alex Jones and his website info wars are a joke...90% percent of the stuff that man speaks about is complete nonsense.
  7. J

    Another New member

    Thanks for the warm reception, I hope to give nothing but positive contributions to this community. As for the question about the Quran, I actually own an english version one, which was a gift from a wonderful family that I see about once a month when they come into the pharmacy where I work...
  8. J

    Christian and Islam beliefs

    I myself have a Christian background but have come to a conclusion about Jesus that not many in my family agree with. I think that he was the the son of god, but when i mean son, its more in the sense that the he was created by a greater power. Its almost like when an engineer or a inventor...
  9. J

    Another New member

    One of the good things about going to school in buffalo is that you have the opportunity to interact with people from all aspects of life, as we have one of the highest rates of international student enrollment in the country. I think that we are in the top 5 with something like 25-35% of the...
  10. J

    Another New member

    Hello everyone, I have been coming to this site for some time now and decided that I should join since I enjoy some of the topics which are discussed on this forum. First of all I should probably introduce my self, I am originally from the Dominican Republic but grew up in NYC and am now a...