Guess what...?


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaykum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam! i'm so happy today! i was just listening to the news and Somalia is soon to be ruled by the islamic shariah!!!!! alhamdulillah. i also heard the same for Afghanistan! this is a sign of a good future for our countries inshaAllah. i just thought i'd share the good news with you all( pls keep any negative comments to yourselves...i'm just trying to be happy for the muslim lands)
asalamu alaykum wrwb


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

Allahu Akbar..alhamduliallah..may Allah's law prevail over all others..and may we hear the good news for the rest of the Muslim of nations so we'd perhaps tread towards the initiating steps of betterment..Ameen

Jazaki allah khair for sharing the news habibati fi allah



Muslim Unity...
Allahu Akbar
Alhamdulillah :)
jazakallahu khaiyr for sharing the good news with us
Mashallah Adhak allahu sinnak


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaykum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam! i'm so happy today! i was just listening to the news and Somalia is soon to be ruled by the islamic shariah!!!!! alhamdulillah. i also heard the same for Afghanistan! this is a sign of a good future for our countries inshaAllah. i just thought i'd share the good news with you all( pls keep any negative comments to yourselves...i'm just trying to be happy for the muslim lands)
asalamu alaykum wrwb

Thats a graet news sister. I felt happy after hearing this too but unfortunately there are some groups in somalia who are opposing the government of sheikh sharif because they insist the parliament shouldn't only pass this law but to rule the country by it. I think they should give the government a chance and make some sort of reconciliation because thats the only way to end this chaos. There's actually an internal fight between the islamic courts and Alshabab who worked together as one group but after sheikh sharif was elected alshabab broke away and made takfir on the government and whoever supported them. The islamic scholars association of somalia called for a reconciliation and called on all groups to work with the government. May Allah Allah protect the muslim ummah.


Assalamu Alaikum
I hope there is peace in our countries so we can all
go BACK!
( I miss my country :( )


ابنة الاسلام
Alhamdolillah, i'm soo happy...can't wait 2go bck ther inshaAllah...JazakAllah Khair SiS 4da great news..


Junior Member
Alhamdulillah, it's a really good news. i think all the muslim countries should be ruled by shariah. may Alllah allmighty grant our all muslim leaders proper hidayah so they can accept shariah laws. altough i know a lot of secular muslims, who are muslims just by name and oppose shariah will be greately shocked. but for us, it's a news from heaven. Allahu Akbar!!!


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum,

Alhamdoulilaah, yeah they voted for it [is there a need for such a vote anyway?] Buut, let's see how it goes :)


Servant of Allah
Assalam aleikum,

Alhamdoulilaah, yeah they voted for it [is there a need for such a vote anyway?] Buut, let's see how it goes :)

ALLAH (jalla wa'ala) says "The only saying of the beleivers, when they are called to Allah and his messenger (peace be upon him) to judge between them, is that they say we hear and obey. and such are the successful"
You right sister there was no need for this vote, but because some groups in had an excuse to fight against the government, and their excuse was the government doesn't want the sharia law and are murtadin this is why all the mps voted for it. So now we're waiting to hear from the mujahidin who broke away and started an internal fight between them (wafaqanallahu waiyyahum). :salam2:
We're also waiting to hear from the western countries and see how they react to this great news. Only last week we heard from the American government say sharia law in pakistan is against humanity and democracy. What an ignorant people how on earth can they compare sharia law to democracy, isn't democracy what they promised to bring back to iraq and afghanistan? lthough we see them do injustice and fasaad in the land. How come they imprisoned thousands of innocent muslims and put them in jails like guantanamo? We need to understand what is meant by democracy.


Staff member
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullaah

We first thank Allaah (s) for his mercy and blessing on those areas of Somalia and secondly the Shabaab Al Mujahideen for their efforts.

I hope all the trash talk about the Mujahideen will be less inshaAllaah.

Allaahumansurul Mujahideen fee kulli makaan. Ameen.


Servant of Allah
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullaah

We first thank Allaah (s) for his mercy and blessing on those areas of Somalia and secondly the Shabaab Al Mujahideen for their efforts.

I hope all the trash talk about the Mujahideen will be less inshaAllaah.

Allaahumansurul Mujahideen fee kulli makaan. Ameen.

what trash talk bro? Dont misunderstand me am not here to say anything bad about the mujahideen. The mujahideen are the ones who sacrificed their lives and spent their wealth to make the word of Allah the uppermost. May allah accept their shahada and grant them jannah wherever they are in the world.


Staff member
^ Sorry I wasn't replying to what you said specifically brother, it was a general comment, I wasnt saying your post was trash talk. May Allaah accept them. Ameen.

wa-alaykum salam wa rahmatullaah


Servant of Allah
^ Sorry I wasn't replying to what you said specifically brother, it was a general comment, I wasnt saying your post was trash talk. May Allaah accept them. Ameen.

wa-alaykum salam wa rahmatullaah[/QUOTE

Barakallahu fiik akhy. There's no need for apology.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge

Allahu Akbar! Islamistan Zindabad! (........okay I don't know what I just said here :lol:)

But I'm SO happy that finally there will be an Islamic State, Inshallah. Because now, Inshallah Ta Alla, a Khelafah can be established throughout the Lands, and the brothers from these two countries will be abel to support it, Inshallah. :)

Gosh, I'm just excited though, thinking about how great it'll be if Somalia and Afghanistan become the leading efforts in establishing an Islamic Khelafah, gosh that'd be like SO cool...... :)


Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum


That's a wonderful news, it's good to hear that Alhamdulilah. may ALlah subhana wata'ala bless them all amiin. jazak ALlahu khayra for sharing.
