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  1. lilisoo

    Here on TTI

    salaam alaykum wa rahmatu Allahu wa barakatuh here on TTI I learned .:jazaak: here on TTI i smiled . :) here on TTI i laughed .:lol: here on TTI i asked .:confused: here on TTI i answered .:SMILY47: here on TTI i knew .:ma: here on TTI i changed .:shake: here on TTI i cried .:SMILY23...
  2. lilisoo

    may be it is the worest but for me!!!!!!!!!!

    salaam alaikom brothers and sisters i want to talk about some gift Allah gave it to me which is i was born with defect in my heart but alhamdulillah for that it hurts alittle but i thank Allah for his gift i dont know why i am telling you that but i thought i could share my reward with you as...
  3. lilisoo

    Drawing with nails

    salaam alaykom everybody very interesting photos check it out hope you like it and plz tell me what you think?
  4. lilisoo

    Did You Forget To Live?

    First i was dying to finish my high school and start college. And then i was dying to finish college and start working.Then i was dying to marry and have children. And then i was dying for my children to grow old enough. so i could go back to work But then i was dying to retire. and now i`m...
  5. lilisoo

    Improve Your Memory!

    salaam alaikom dear brothers and sisters i guess we need some funny stories just to feel a little better instead of being gloomy all the time sohere is a nice and funny story i wanted to share with you. Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the...
  6. lilisoo

    a smart question over here

    :angryred::tantrum1:can you tell me please why there are user names in green and others in orange while mine is too small?:confused::(:SMILY23: no hard feelings ok!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
  7. lilisoo


    salaam 3lykum مقارنة بين ما فعله النازيون باليهود وما يفعله اليهود بنا The Zionists in Israel are doing to the Palestinians exactly (if not more than) what was done to their parents by Nazi Germany BUILDING WALLS & FENCES TO KEEP PEOPLE IN PRISONS...
  8. lilisoo

    The Fortress Of The Muslim in many languages

    this link inshAllah will show you how to protect yourself by azkar from Quran and Sunnah may Allah protect you all salaam 3lykum
  9. lilisoo

    salaam 3lykum everybody

    are patroit songs haraam? i mean it has music and what i know that music haraam but is this like inshaad or something which makes it acceptable and it is for the lovr of your country or any other country. jazakum Allahu khyran
  10. lilisoo

    how the world started?

    why i just cant stop thinking about how th world started. you know what i mean like Allah created us all but who creat*****? pardon me my friends i know its weswas but i cant help it i hate these thoughts when it invade my head but i am trying alzekr and always try to get closer to Allah by...
  11. lilisoo

    ؟هل يمكن لاحد ان يرى ملك الموت

    السلام عليكم اخوتى و اخواتى ؟لقد قيل لى انه هناك فتاة قد رات ملك الموت فى اليوم الذى توفى فيه جدها فهل يمكن ان يحدث هذا ايعقل ان يرى احد ملك الموت؟ تقول انها رات طيف احد يمشى مسرعا فهل ممكن ان يحدث؟ هل يمكن ان يعود احدا من الموت و هم ما يقال عنهم اولياء الله الصاحين ؟ :tti_sister:
  12. lilisoo

    How can I be nice to those ppl ?

    :salam2: i need your advice how can i be nice to ppl who treats you in a bad way and all i do is treating them well . AM I too naive ? they keep treating me in this way while i struggle to be good to them . For example i have those neighbors who we used to visit and do wht rasul Allah (pbuh)...
  13. lilisoo

    السلام عليكم

    i am new here i wish can find help and support here and the different ways of getting more iman and be ready for the day of judgement i am kind lost here although i am a musilm and living in a musilm country alhumdulillah am well raised by my parents and i didnt do any huge sins but i cant...