Search results

  1. Al-bint

    Learn Arabic

    As salaamu alaykum. why don't you try ? you can enroll into a diploma course and not only study arabic but also other subjects like aqeedah and fiqh. it's free and the schedule is flexible. you can study and give exams whenever you wish... but i...
  2. Al-bint

    MaShaAllah! Share an inspiring quote

    Don't know if it goes with the thread, but I like the pic :)
  3. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    Duha- Daybreak ( Also name of a Surah in The Holy Qur'an) Next letter- A
  4. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    Lut (a.s) A Prophet of Allah, sent to people around Sodom. Next Letter - T
  5. Al-bint

    What are you reading?

    "It is a sin so great that it virtually cancels out all good a person may do and guarantees it's perpetrators eternal damnation in hell."
  6. Al-bint

    Photo TTI Photography Thread

    That's a place in Kashmir :) (taken from mobile )
  7. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    Nisa' -- Women Next-- N
  8. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    Hajar a.s (Prophet Ibrahim's wife) Next -- R
  9. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    L- Laylatul- Qadr ( the night of power) next letter is R
  10. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    Samad (Everlasting) next letter is D wasalaam! - - - Updated - - - Samad (Everlasting) next letter is D wasalaam!
  11. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    R for Rajab next letter is B
  12. Al-bint

    Game: Islamic words

    walaikum salaam ! Ameer-ul-Mu'minin next letter = N
  13. Al-bint

    Islamic Questions Game - Trivia.

    Ihdinaa -- Guide Us Name the Companion of the Prophet who is known for keeping The Prophet's (s.a.w) secret? wasalaam!
  14. Al-bint


    yeah insha Allah they all will be fine :) wasalaam!
  15. Al-bint


    i remember many more members who rnt seen around much like fada_all, esperanza, amatullah4lyf and many more :( at least a ray of hope! 2 of you are back who knows the rest will come bac soon too 1 :) wasalaam!
  16. Al-bint

    Real player downloader?

    i had to uninstall real player as it made my windows explorer crash again and again and again! I'm bac to just orbit. give it a try. though orbit works only with IE and older versions of firefox, but it downloads videos fast! and it downloads all kinds of videos including .flv :) sorry...
  17. Al-bint


    Salaam alaikum! i remember you very well!! welcome back! since last some time TTI seems deserted to me :( the old members arnt there anymore. I miss them all wasalaam!
  18. Al-bint

    Real player downloader?

    i use orbit downloader. that works very good for me. i even have real player downloader. its fine too but i think its slower than orbit. i am addicted to downloading videos! about the videos that aint working. did you check them in the videos part where they are i think stored in a folder named...
  19. Al-bint

    Fantastic word game

    eyes see the world and everything in it but its the heart that perceives that which cannot be seen (as in that which is not evident yet essential) :)
  20. Al-bint

    Do you have time ? Wanna do something for deen of Islam ?

    Asalaamualaikum! i downloaded it but its not working.. or may be i don't know how to use it. need your help with it... wasalaam!