10-year-old Filipino boy converts to Islam


New Member
uR absolutelY right.. Philippines before was named AMMAN ALLAH and was a Muslim country until the Spaniards came and made life miserable for them.. But alhamdulillah Islam is spreading very fast here now..

itS so touchiNG to SEe anoTher filipiNo EMBRACe Islam liKE Me..
Makes me proud as a FilipinA. :hijabi:

This is true. It use to be a muslim country till the Spaniards and concord the country for hundreds of years that made 90 percent catholic and 10 percent muslim, Inshallaah I hope everyone will see how beautiful islam is back in the Philippines like what myram said Proud to be a Filipina :) More dawa towards the philippines to make then understand Islam and Dawas to the Muslims back home to make everyone embrace Islam. :tti_sister: