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  • Wa'alaikum salaaaam warahmatullaah!

    Hahaha I just imagined something- y'know somaalida when 2 ppl dont see each other for a while but then finally they run into each other... Yeah, the salaans they give each other is downright funny. "Assalaaaaaaaamu caleykum! Ba ba ba'... War ma adigiii baa!! walle qof kale baan kuu mooday... Aad baa isku bedeshayee.. Ba ba ba'..." LOL

    But yeah, intee ka baxde bal? Busy with school i'm guessing.. I'm alright Alhamdulillaah! Just going about doing school and dugsi stuff..
    Oh yeah, ahem. So my aabo is coming next month. I know this might sound.
    weird, but I am far from being excited... I don't want him to come. I dont get why dadka in africa mareykaan u jecelyihiin.. It aint that great here, man. :[
    why aa lagaa qariye?
    Well, word on street is that nacnac-addict inaad tahay so malaguu sheegi karin y'know!:p But I can sneak in a few for you ;) Only hadaad gambiska dhaaftid though, lol
    What do you mean?! 'You' are joking with me ma'ahanoo? I thought you lived in qaxooti land#2..?

    Calanley is that one maqaaxi up on 3149 Cleveland Ave.. some cadaan guys did a review on it(that's how I came across it:p) and they said it's a windowless lil' building that kinda Gives of that "prison-like" vibe![Ok, not exactly in the same wording but they said something a bit similar] lol. So I suggest you never go there alone saaxib waan kaa naxaayaaee! =D

    And Darbo, I might be spelling this one wrong but I'm sure there's a maqaaxi with a similar name.. It's just you!:p Maybe banaanka uma baxdid, that's why you don't know waxa ka socdo your own Don't worry though, I'm planning to change that when I come for that visit!=D

    Oh and you'll be paying for cuntooyinka since I' know, the Marti!:SMILY335:
    Laakin anigu waxaan is dhahaaye it was a bad dream since it didn't come true..:p

    Me...and sir? no no , we're on totally opposite ends saaxib!=) Of course I'd let you know when(not IF, Inshaa'Allaah=D) I come by..! count on it ;] Im gonna eat at Calaanley and Darbo(?).. can't wait! hehe

    what? who told you that..?:O Seems to me they forgot to mention Nacnac inaan siiyo after I whoop their behinds..=)

    I won't Inshaa'Allaah.. adiga lee yaa lagu weynin! Or I'm getting habrtaa dacaskeeda and you know what happens when hablaha soomalida get a

    Salaam `alaik, ukhty!:]
    walekum salam siso :))))))
    Good to hear back Alhamdulillah :D Yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
    MashAllah....... sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!! :D
    ameen wayaki hunni bunni :D

    BIG HUGS!!!!! :d
    Salaaaam caleyk, ina adeer!!:]

    Guess what? A while back, I had a dream that I came with sh.C/raxmaan(You prolly heard of him, nah?) to Masjid Ibn Taymiyyaah..hehe `cause he was going there for some muctamir that you guys were having and he was gonna take some girls from the school[he worked in our school] and I- but then, he told us "waan baaqdey" =(

    Anyyyyways, intee ka baxde dee??! You come on here once in a blue moon and then 'BAM' waad dareertay!lol

    Hope you're alright bi'idnillaah! Drop by sometimes nooh.. 'Don't be a stranger now, missy!'=)
    looooooll......u looked at my last activity :D...smartttt...welll urs is just yesterday so mashaAllah good job
    btw am tkng my psychology this boutu? hwws skool?
    Ameeen sis....thnkuu...hows everythin goin...i don cu onlin these dys
    wts hppenin? lol
    As-salaamu `alaik!!

    I can't pm you cos I'm usin' a phone and it's quite complicated..=[ So a vm reply will have to do for now..=) LOL btw, I actually can imagine that.. Xaajiga banning you from the net and all just cos you *might be* shaxaari-ng around..:p
    Good to hear from you though! Ramadhaaaan kareeem to you as well ukhty!! May we all change for the better in this blessed month!
    Taankis taankis!<3 I'm relieved to be outta the ciyaaal ligue actually! Phew! Alhamdulillah for everything!=) Adulthood, here i come!hehe

    Contrary to, uhm, popular beliefs.. I happen to be an awesome driver yaah.. I have not hit a pedestrian or wrecked my aunt's car...yet!=D
    Oh and am good btw..hooyo nd em are doing well too! Pops is going to `umrah this year insha'allah..!
    So yeah, yaa lagu weynin yaah gabareey!:) keep in touch haduu Alle idmo.
    hey ukhtiyeey! Salaamu `alaik!

    What happened to you?? Yu sent me that one pm and I haven't hear from yu since then..:( Wait, I replied didn't I? I did right?(I have this strange feeling that I somehow forgot to inaan kuu soo jawaabo..:S)

    Anyway, I hope you're doing well! And hooyo and aabo too..! Keep in touch insha'Allah!

    ImY! Uhibbuki Fillaah!!:]
    waa allaykum sallam sis im not very well atm...
    hows you doing??? maa shaa allah good to see the big mushy smiles lol
    Adhaak allahu sinnaki May Allah Almighty fill your life up with happiness!!! :) Aameen..
    hope you are well safe and sound in shaa allah
    keep me in your du'aas
    sending you much love down your way (hope you've recieved it!) *hugs*
    aaw alhamdulillaah abaayo....I am glad I saw ur post and vm:) puts a smile to ma face wen i see old members been around:)
    def missed u alot tweenie :p
    much love!
    Assalaamu alaikum,

    hey mataantey :D:D:D
    look the greenies are back :) <3
    I am doing beelo abaayo, how are you???
    been long time since I have seen ur beautiful self here:p
    hope all is well baby gurl <3
    walaaley empty your PMs nooh!

    And Eid Mubaarak! hope you and your family have a good one:)!
    Walekum Salam

    wooow MashAllah.. I havent been here for months.. Alhamdulillah am fine... How are u doing?? aww mashallah ur very sweet sister :)
    Hows Ramadan going 4 u?? Its almst over SubhanAllah.. May Allah accept our fasting, prayers and duaa.. Ameen and grant us Alla Janat Al Firdous.. Ameen..

    take care sister
    luv u 4 the sake of Allah :D
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