
Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Wa`alaykummusalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh wa maghfirotuh,

Is your BMI on the average/normal or underweight scale? People who are skinny tend to be so. I am one of them, sadly. It's something with the metabolism in the body. Even when we eat a lot, we don't easily increase our weight.

I am not a dietitian/fitness expert but I've read quite a few. I suggest you start doing some simple work out like jog in the morning, maybe after Fajr prayer and having a light breakfast. Or play some sports that you enjoy in the evening. Swimming, as I know is one of the best sports. If you have time to go to the gym for a few hours would be nice too. Some of the sports mentioned in the sunnah that you can try is archery or riding a horse. Once when you have start working out, don't push yourself too hard by doing it for long hours as you don't want your body to be in shocked and to only get energy depletion at the end of the day.

For your meals, make sure you take your meal during your usual time. If you ever cut breakfast and straight away take lunch (say you have your breakfast at 12 pm which isn't breakfast anymore), then it will affect your stomach. Don't eat a lot at one time but its healthier to eat a little but often. And your meal should consist a balance of proteins, carbohydrates with vegetables being the most.

Your sleep pattern is equally important for a healthy body. Don't mess it up as you don't want to get insomnia or being too tired to fall asleep (yes, it happens to people). Don't stay up too late but better to get up early in the morning. Our deen encourage us to start our day as early as we can.

Hope it's been of some help. But if you want a professional advice, then you can seek an expert in this field, inshaa Allaah.