A bit about me


New Member
salam alikom wa wb

I'm Ismail Ali Mohamed, turning 19 in october inshallah. I'm Egyptian living in Doha-Qatar. I'm Majoring in petroleum engineering (2nd year), spent a year in pharmacy though before transferring into engineering. looking Forward to be an active and helpful member. any may Allah guide us all.
Oh just wanted to add that I'm not that perfect muslim. But maybe at the average trying to fight myself though. so help me to do so.

salam alikom wa wb


ASAK Brother Welcome to TTI. Inshallah you will be benefited from this website. Regarding the change in you, May ALLAH SWT guide you always to Siratul Mustaqeem. Ameen. But it also requires your efforts and dua too. do your bit and have faith in ALLAH SWT. Definitely ALLAH SWT is just in HIS decisions.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,


Junior Member
Welcome Ismail!
Hey, sadly, i am not a perfect muslim either. Let's try to help each other because i am having a rough time too!


New Member
asalam alikom wa rahmatu alahy wa barakato

I really appreciate your welcomes brothers and sisters. When I really read and hear from you I do get filled with hope. There are muslims everywhere that God inshallah will use in the raise of this religion tht is the only good thing we do have in life. I hope I'd be helpful as much as we can and I hope we all do benefit from each others experience and I'll just read what Allah SWT told Mohamed PBUH in surat al nassr when ppl enter islam and it becomes strong inshllah Glorify and praise Allah. (fasabeh behamdy rabika wa estaghferho inaho kan tawaba) may Allah 4give and guide us all coz we have reached the time the prophet Mohamed PBUH said about (ya'ti ala omati zaman tatawala alihem al feten kakaetaa al layl al mozlem)
:astag: :ma: :wasalam: :)