A little guidance in NYC please?


New Member
Assalamu alaikum everyone!

I recently reverted to Islam... I requested to join the sisters forum a while ago, but still no response. I'm an American born and raised all over the US map. My story of how I converted is long and I'm so happy that I have found myself on the right path.

My inquiry is a bit more specific to the area I live in as I don't have any muslim friends. I'm really looking for advise on where to find a community, and especially individual muslim sisters in and around NewYork and its boroughs, that I can learn and find guidance with. I have been reading the Quran, studying as much as I can, and learning to pray (although I would really like to learn Arabic because the words in another language can mean more if I can thoroughly translate them). But I am really hoping to find other women who I can share with and also learn more about the lifestyle. I am very shy, and even though I live in an area with a strong muslim population I have really been feeling isolated.

Any advice or women from the area who would like to message and possibly meet me are greatly welcome for response.

Thank you so much for reading my post!!

Peony Weed

New Member

Alhamdulillah, you have found Allah.

I am no where in states, but i hope you'll find friends here in this forum near to your area. I only have one bestie that lives in Boston MA, but she's currently due for delivery soon, if you want i can ask if she has any friends in NY.

btw, there's no need to feel shy especially if you feel that because you just revert and afraid of making mistakes in your religious practise. why not go to the local masjid/mosque community and start speaking to other muslimah there, i'm sure they would be a good source for you to make friends and seek help.

*btw, I have not got mine approved for the sister forum too...been quite a while now :S hmmmm


A Servant of Allah
I am not in US,but if you need a female muslim friend,maybe I can help you by PM,email or chatting. I think it will ease your shy side if we converse online. Just PM me. You can ask or talk about anything to me :)



Congratulations on your reversion! I'm a born n' bred New Yorker, so I could tell you about some Muslim enclaves up in the city.

You weren't kidding when you said you live within a strong Muslim poulation. Astoria's one of the most heavily populated Muslim and/or Arab areas in NYC. Other areas include Bay Ridge and Coney Island in Brooklyn, Jackson Heights in Queens and various areas in Manhattan. I know it can be overwhelming here in the city, but it's got just as much supportive and inclusive connections as well.

Based on your desire to learn as much as you can about the deen through various methods, I would advise finding an active masjid that offers all the services you need. For you, living in Astoria is a benefit in this case. The Foundation for Knowledge and Development provides many Islamic classes for all levels of learners and Masjid Dar-ad-Dawah is the home of the Queens chapter of the Muslim American Society-Youth branch (MAS-Youth). Other active masajid include the MAS Youth Center in Bay Ridge, the Jamaica Muslim Center in Jamaica, Queens and the Islamic Cultural Center of New York on the Upper East Side in Manhattan.

Feel free to PM me for more info and I hope you find the Muslim community you're looking for in NYC as you'll have plenty to choose from :)