A question that may confuse somebody


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
because in the life i'm living now there would be no reason to be.May Allah punish me for what I've said.I can' stop struggling my mind

aaa !! Allah (subhana Lllah wa Taala)is as He is Ghafuur Rahiyym;
Kul (Say)All the Powers of helping rest with Allah~the True One~That reward is the best which He bestows
and that end is the Best to which He Leads.

The reality of today is very different from then. We have little knowledge of past, just imaginations. And imagination though helpful is usually off the mark. We struggle to imagine how daily life was a 2000 years before. Now to think about Prophet Adam(A) and Hawwa, even to think their height was anywhere between 5 feet to 7 feet is also incorrect. When we dont have a good sound judgement of rules applied to Prophet(s) Ummathi, i.e., To make an assessment of the Shariah of Adam(A), seems a bit too much

The reality of today is very different from then.
We have little knowledge of past, just imaginations

thank you brother

Now to your my sister in Islam.

(adam.......he had no intention of nearing that tree-but was beguiled)
even though he was Warned.
From here we start to gain Ilm Sahih....Why do we humans commit a mistake; it cannot be without reason,
at beginning none ever thought it was a Mistake; but when done then a soul cries oh my god what i have done.
And that is why you will find in Kuran (Falam Najd Lahu Azmaa)(he adam was in no way in the mood of..)but was \temptedbeguiled...to this it was not adam but Ibles clearly he boosted himself while i and you as Ibn adam we crave for Allahs Maghfira.

to this we come the agreement that Adam was not Punished but Ibles. Yes?


I'm not what you believe
so,why,if Allah punished Iblis,it was Adam who "paied" for its disobedience?Iblis promised to Allah that he would have done his best to bring as many people as possible to Hell.maybe watching too much television(science documentaries/evoltutio theories...)made me pose too many questions about me and my origins.thank you very much for the reflections you make me do


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
so,why,if Allah punished Iblis,it was Adam who "paied" for its disobedience?Iblis promised to Allah that he would have done his best to bring as many people as possible to Hell.maybe watching too much television(science documentaries/evoltutio theories...)made me pose too many questions about me and my origins.thank you very much for the reflections you make me do
In a matter of fact i should thank you !
as i was searching for persons of such personalities.

by the way a question.

what was the purpose of our creation


I'm not what you believe
I too needed someone who posed my same questions.if I try to answer what I think about the purposal of our creation,I suppose that this thread will be closed and that I'll have some problems here.I feel the necessity to find another answer,not only that we were created to return to our Creator.I truely believe in what I am,muslimah,submitted to Allah's will,but...I'm sailing into the darkness:lol:


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
I too needed someone who posed my same questions.if I try to answer what I think about the purposal of our creation,I suppose that this thread will be closed and that I'll have some problems here.I feel the necessity to find another answer,not only that we were created to return to our Creator.I truely believe in what I am,muslimah,submitted to Allah's will,but...I'm sailing into the darkness:lol:

sailing through to light Insha Allah

mmmmm!!! one simple question

do you believe till now that our Prophet Muhammad went to distance heaven by as they say 'donkey'
named Buraq?
I tried to ask same to review our this century understanding you know what answer i got

find me .....post and someone named. abjad.

awaiting for your answer please.


I'm not what you believe
if I understood your question,the white donkey I've read in some hadith,I came to suppose that it could really be a kind of technologic jet or a spaceship.how could he travel so fast?with the thought?


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
check with you tube what they insist on, Yes those days i understand as a matte of belief he went by Allahs command, by Barq= speed of light; surprising to see they say dokey type.

so a you still on!