about niqab

sister myriam

islam is my way
:salam2: sisters i want to know if any one of u wear the niqab....and how she put it....i want to put it but in may contry it is baned...


Junior Member
Wa aleikum salam

In my country it's also banned .. But i understand. If u are weari niqab, nobody can recognise u. So u can do whatever u want. Sister, not everyone is a good person or believes in Allah swt like it should be.

Some people will use it as a cover for bad things! I heard a story about a man who wore it to come close to women =S

I think people are scared if they don't know who they are talking to...

PLZ don't feel offended !

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
حبيبتي الحجاب مو شرط يكون نقاب
تقدري تلبسي الطرحة و جزء منها يغطي وجهك
و بالنسبة للنقاب انتي عارفة شكله كيف و يكون بنهايته زي الجزء الطويل اربطيه من خلف و بس :)

أهم شي بالحجاب يكون ساتر لك ماله شكل محدد
عني أنا ألبس العباية و و الطرحة و النقاب
و أحياناً استبدل النقاب و البس طرحتين وحدة اغطي بها شعري و الاخرى وجهي

Sorry 4 using Arabic members ^_^