Abraham Ahmad Jordanian Muslim Brother Detained and Strip Searched For Being Muslim


Staff member
[imgleft]http://www.turntoislam.com/images/tti/abraham_ahmad1.jpg[/imgleft]Abraham Ahmad Jordanian Muslim Brother was Detained after the Oklahoma bombings. Even though he was innocent he was Strip searched For Being an Arab and a Muslim. His family address was leaked to the media. His house was surrounded by angry people who threw trash at the house, people shouted obscenities to the family. Inside was his wife and his three year old and six year old children. Several helicopters were over their home.

This video is the story of his and his family's ordeal...



Junior Member
salam aliakum. what a sad story. but I hate to say it.........but it will probably be a cold day in Hell when you get an apology from our govt.................