Advice Please


New Member
Salem Alikoum Brothers and Sisters

I would like a little advice from you please, especially muslim reverts who are from the UK. I dont mean to be biased but I think they may know my situation a little more, I apologise if this isnt the case.

I reverted to Islam just under a year ago and although I have been struggling with my commitment to it, and have wanted to give in a few times, I have always seen sense and carried on with the right path. My husband is a practising muslim and a very good role model for me to follow, although he was born into a muslim family and doesnt have any of the problems I have. He has only been practising his dene for about 15 months now. He does all his salat and follows the dene the very best he can. He is a very big help to me, may Allah(swt)reward him for this.

Although I took my shahada in December of last year, only my husband and a few muslim brothers and sisters know about me being a revert. I have an 11 year old daughter who lives with us and she respects what my husband does but sometimes finds some of the conditions relating to Islam a little confusing and hard to understand i.e not having photographs and not listening to music or certain things on tv. (I struggle with these things sometimes myself so I know how it is for her). I also have a family who I see regularly and they have never really spoken about religion, apart from my mother who is Christian. I often try and explain things to them about Islam and why my husband does certain things and about the muslim way of life.

My dilema is that I want to tell them the truth about me becoming a muslim so it lifts the weight from my shoulders and makes it alot easier to keep up with my salat because at the moment I dont do salat when any of my family are around and I know this is a major sin. I believe that if I told them then it would be easier to follow my dene altogether.

You may think 'well,whats the problem?' but its a big thing for me as I used to be an athiest before and they have seen my husband change quite alot over this past year or so(some things they think are for the worse) and I have also changed. I have stopped alcohol etc and they have seen a change in me but for some reason I think they will change how they are with me and think that my husband has forced me to take up his religion.

I know that this Christmas will be my last, although I wont be celebrating it like I used to, I have still got my daughter a few presents(which I know is haram but she is non muslim at the moment and I dont want to just take that away from her without her realising why) and I have tried to drop a few hints about me believing in Allah(swt) and that the thought of jesus(pbuh) being the son of god is ridiculous.

Would any of you be able to advise on how to approach the subject or what to say to my family. As I said, I know things would be alot easier for myself and my husband so that we can follow the dene.

Sorry to rattle on a little but I have been thinking about this for a while now and just dont know how to broach the subject.:shymuslima1:

Thankyou for your help.

Salem alikoum


New Member
Salam sister fiLLAH..



I pray may u and all u love is in ALLAH'S care..

dearest sister,

I am a nobody to answer this question but my heart wanted to help...i'm sorry i can't help a lot but sister,i pray may ALLAH give u courage and strength
for all these..try planning on telling them nicely..they might not can accept this or accept it is all by ALLAH'S wills. whatever it is remember dearest sister, that is always what ALLAH knows is best for us..sooner or later they all will know it, it is just a matter of time..i believe u know which is best for u. may ALLAH make it easy for u.

sorry i'm not helping a lot

love u sister :SMILY252: