Allah's rewards for lowering the gaze


Junior Member
MashaAllah what a story


I am also struggling to lower my gaze. I am currently in America, studying part time in college. We are surrounded with haram sights. Even in an Islamic event, sometimes the sisters wear makeup, shiny clothes and scarves, etc. The non-Muslims are, for a lack of better word, even worse. Just today I was walking to class, hurrying because I was already late. All of a sudden there was this nice smell, a perfume smell, and it came from a woman who just walked by. Astaghfirullah, even this took off my mind a little bit from being late to class.


Junior Member
subhanallah what level of imaan would that person have had alhamdulillah ,
may allah swt make all of our imaan as high as of our beloved prophet mohammad (pbuh) ameen ,

things which we learned from the story is one is shatan is always there to make us weak in islam and obey allah swt's commands , but we have to be really strong and should stop satan from doing so ,

surely we might fail and fall into the traps of satan and do wrong things but thats the work of satan and what's a muslims work ?

its to repent and ask allah swt for forgiveness and inshallah when the same situtation comes in our life we should be strong enough to control ourself inshallah and make that satan run inshallah ,

second thing is when we do some thing to obey allah swt , allah swt surely rewards us alhamdulillah like he got to marry her alhamdulillah ,

like take this if he had left with his gaze lowered and she hadnt asked her anything and she dint wanted to marry him , he would have left and at some point satan would have whispered in his ears and would have said " man u've missed an amazing opportunity to talk to that beauitiful lady and get to be her friend and this guilt might make the person next time not to lower his gaze " at this point of time one should have all the faith that allah swt has asked me to do this and i have done and alhamdulillah i have gain allah swt pleasure and surely allah swt will reward me and i dont need some so called pleasure from allah swt's displeasure ,

and third thing alhamdulillah no one but allah knows that when , how and where one might get attracted to islam by our actions alhamdulillah ,

so we should always and always keep our actions in accordance to islam inshallah ,

lastly let ask allah swt for forgiveness for our action for what ever we have done in past and may allah swt make us all a strong followers and practicer of islam ameen .