Allahu Akbar :)....

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge


um Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh my dear beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, May this message find all of you in the best state of Iman and Health, and may Allah (SWT) shower his Mercy, Blessings, Pleasure, Guidance, and Love upon all of us, Ameen. :)

It has been a long time since I posted my last thread (because I was going through some hard times at the beginning of the month, please forgive me for that dear brothers and sisters), but Alhamdulillah I've come back again to visit, :) and Subhanallah brothers and sisters, I was EXTREMELY happy to read all of the beautiful replies that you all gave, Mashallah it made me feel better during those sad weeks that I've been going through (because I was really thirsty for Allah (SWT)'s rememberance to be in my heart), Jazakumullah Kyran wa Ajran wa Barakah wa Hedayah wa Ridwan wa Hubuhu bi Alfi Mi athin (May Allah (SWT) increase all of you dear brothers and sisters in his blessings, rewards, guidance, his pleasure, and his love), Ameen! :)

Subhanallah dear brothers and sisters, it's so sad that I barely ever get to see any of you now these days. I have only one day of the week that I can be at home and most of the time I'm either very busy or I'm just feeling tired, but Alhamdulillah, even though my free time has been limited these past few months, I've still been able to check up on how a lot of you are doing and I'm great to see that all of you dear brothers and sisters are still here and that you all are doing well, Allahu Akbar. :)

As for me, Alhamdulillah, I'm fine, for the most part (because I atleast have Allah (SWT)in my life, Alhamdulillah :)), just have to do better in my studies (my head heads up Ta Alla. :)

So I have to go right now dear brothfers and sisters, but I just wanted all of you to know is that I Love you all alot for the sake of Allah (SWT) and that all of you are dear to my heart and you all mean a lot to me, may Allah (SWT) perserve and protect and perserve all of you dear brothers and ssiters and may he reunite all of us in Jannatul Firdaws and under his Arsh on Yawmul Qiyyamah, Ameen Ya Zal Jalali wal Ekram! :)


