Am i doing the right thing?


Muslim Brother
Assalamualakum brother's and sister's

I want to make this very brief. I have went to all the taraweeh prayer's and did the full prayer for every one of them. Now the Night of power is upon us. I am in High School. I come back everyday from Taraweeh around 12:00 and end up sleeping around 12:30-12:45AM. The Night prayer is at 3AM so i want to wake up for it.

School starts at 7:15 and from 3:30-6:45 the mosque does the Tahajud prayer and Fajr and a quick Discussion. Now right when it ends obviously my brother has to drive me to school fast.

This would mean i am awake from 3AM to 3PM and i also have my first ap test the next day so obviously i would have to study and then go back to Taraweeh.
There are only 3 nights left for qadr, and they will be 3 very hard nights if i proceed.

Am i doing the right thing brothers, in my mind i am doing it for the qadr night and the promised reward. I am doing it for the sake of Allah.

But am i really doing the right thing when i am faced with all this?

Jazakallah Khairan may allah increase us all in knowledge


Junior Member

I think you are doing a great job, but if you can sleep when you finish school , and after taraweeh to keep your strength. May Allah accept all your good efforts .


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum brother try to push urself as much as possible
Inshallah Allah (swt) will reward u on ur niyat (intention )

ksa 2008

New Member
brother , wht ever u r doing is only for the sake of allah ,,to gain his satisfaction nd his mercy ..nd its truely appreciatable ,,!may allah (swt) bless u nd us all! plz carry on as thre r only few days in hands for the glorious night to be among them, coz if we dont then we will have to regret in the long run! we shud b thankful to allah(swt) tht he has givn us this opportunity to repent of our sins nd earn as much good deeds we can!,lets all try our level best to apply all our efforts to rightly utilize each n every moment for the sake of our allah (swt).. jazakallah khairun.


Smile for Allah
The right thing? You are doing more than the right thing. I'm happy that there are such dedicated people out there. May we all be able to pray and practice as much as we can, while still battling with our day to day lives, ameen. :)