Amazing Sheikh Mishary


Junior Member
A million, trillion times better than music, right brother Firdavs? :)

OoooOoooh Yeaaahhhsss Brother, it is amazing and relaxing to your mind and heart. As if you read the Quran it relaxes you, drops your stress and pain in your heart it takes you to a better place.


Turn To Islam
OoooOoooh Yeaaahhhsss Brother, it is amazing and relaxing to your mind and heart. As if you read the Quran it relaxes you, drops your stress and pain in your heart it takes you to a better place.

Alhamdulilah brother.... Alhamdulilah :SMILY128:


New Member
i find his qiraat easy to follow when memorizing alhumdolilah may Allah bless him for his gifted voice and allow us all to memorize more quran ameen.