An Eye Opener Hadith



Abdullah bin Umar (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) addressed a group of immigrants and said: “I seek the refuge of Allah and hope that the following five characteristics are not generated among you:

1. When there is extensive shameful behaviour or permissiveness or nudity or violation of Islamic dress codes in a group, then Allah inflicts upon them plagues and other diseases which there forefathers had never heard of.
2. When people cheat in weighing [usurp other’s rights as was the practice of the people of Shuaib (AS)] then Allah sends famine and a high cost of living. They experience extreme physical hardship as well as the cruelty from their rulers.
3. If they do not pay Zakaat, it stops raining in their land resulting in economic disaster.
4. When they break the covenants of Allah and his Messenger, the foreign enemies are sent who snatch away their wealth forcefully.
5. If their officials do not make decisions according to the guidance of Allah provided in the Quran then Allah creates hatred among them and they keep quarreling among themselves. "

Muhammad Saleh

Junior Member

May Allah forgive and guide us to the right path. Ameen

All these vices are rampant in the muslim world esp Pakistan and we are facing the same consequences as mentioned in the hadith.