An important message to Hizb-ul-Tahrir and their likes


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu,

I often find lot of young men (and women) wasting their time in groups like Hizb-ul-Tahrir, Sharia4UK, Sharia4Holland, Sharia4Belgium and similar groups in almost all western nations. In fact, Hizb-ul-Tahrir seems to have a branch in every western nation. These groups use demonstrations, protests and waste lot of their golden time calling for Sharia in a country where muslims are a small minority. And no one knows what goes on in their homes. It is important to note that when Prophet :saw: started conveying his message, he started with the tawheed and not sharia or other things. Groups like these not only create a bad image among non-muslims for other muslims who do not approve of their activities but also, spoil our dawa'h efforts. Non-muslims tend to turn away from us and avoid us. Moreover, that fact that lot of youth spend time with these groups rather than utilising it for dunya and akhira, is very disturbing.

Also, there are groups and protests in western nations asking for justice for palestinians and other countries were muslims are oppressed. A lot of money, manpower and time goes into such protests, demonstrations and activities. Also, it involves free-mixing most of the times. If someone really care for their brother in Palestine, they should go there and help them. Protests and groups don't help anybody rather it creates more fitna.
It is very important for the youth to stay away from any kind of "Hizbs". Most of the people in this groups are jobless (live life on benefits or donations) and "loud". All they do is shout at people and protest. We, also, know that this behaviour is also against Islam.

An interesting advice from Shaykh Muhammad Nâsir-ud-Dîn al-Albânî for groups and people like this :


Transcript: Shaykh al-Albânî: We should not think about how we should drive out the jews from Palestine. No. We should think of how we are declaring the Islâmic state in our own hearts. When will you be able to declare an Islâmic country in your little home?

The majority of those who shout for an Islâmic law in the world have neither an Islâmic law in their own homes, in themselves, their sons, daughters or their wives. The one who has nothing can’t give anything.

I assume that I have clarified what you found unclear and that I do not support the intifada (rebellion) since it is not based upon the verse:

“If you help (in the cause of) Allâh, He will help you” (The Qur’ân 47:7, interpretation of the meanings)

Please note: This post should not be perceived as anti-shariah. Sharia is good thing but every islamic goal should have a islamic way of implementing it, not some random way. It should always start with Tawheed.


Junior Member
Intersting to hear, they have gone beyond and started demonstrations in streets. To me it sounds it has a negative tone to it...

Right said Bro. Ershad!

There are enough muslims around world under non Shariah rule, who lead shariah compliant life style, and are in peace under their countries/state law... Guess some sane advice should reach them fast...

May Almighty Allah, help them understand, and not be lost in political traps... Ameen!


New Member
It's always easy to criticize someone. I believe that what they are doing may have a bad image on Islam, however; we have to give them advise rather than talking against them...No body knows how they are living and leading their life at the back...but what we know is that they are doing dawa'a based on what they know. This is usually the base of our problem for not being united as one Ummah. Advising someone is always better than criticizing and speaking ill of someone.



Assalaam walaikum,

It is not that the brother is speaking ill. He is informing us of a trend among young Muslims who are overeager. They need more education. They need unified leadership. The same message conveyed to them. Now, some dawah can be employed to show them what the Quran and Sunnah tell us what to do, exclusively.


Junior Member
It's always easy to criticize someone. I believe that what they are doing may have a bad image on Islam, however; we have to give them advise rather than talking against them...No body knows how they are living and leading their life at the back...but what we know is that they are doing dawa'a based on what they know. This is usually the base of our problem for not being united as one Ummah. Advising someone is always better than criticizing and speaking ill of someone.



I guess you are not aware of these groups. They have been advised by many Ulemma and people. These group rather blame us as "blunt" muslims. If this doesn't shock you, some of these groups refuse to pray with us in the same masjid. If their hearts are hardened that they don't listen to us anymore, then other young men have to be cautioned regarding them because they are spreading everywhere.
And what they are doing is not dawa'h. They are rather chasing people away from Islam by their behaviour. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (Rahimahullah) once said, " Whomever you cannot convince with Dawa'h, make them neutral." Do not make them your enemy. Do not make them hate Islam. These groups make people hate Islam and there is no reason we should be sympathetic to them.
I hope you understand.


New Member

I guess you are not aware of these groups. They have been advised by many Ulemma and people. These group rather blame us as "blunt" muslims. If this doesn't shock you, some of these groups refuse to pray with us in the same masjid. If their hearts are hardened that they don't listen to us anymore, then other young men have to be cautioned regarding them because they are spreading everywhere.
And what they are doing is not dawa'h. They are rather chasing people away from Islam by their behaviour. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (Rahimahullah) once said, " Whomever you cannot convince with Dawa'h, make them neutral." Do not make them your enemy. Do not make them hate Islam. These groups make people hate Islam and there is no reason we should be sympathetic to them.
I hope you understand.

Jezake'allah, May Allah give them hidaya if they are not aware of what they are doing. Insha'allah, we will distance ourselves from such actions and we will try to call them as well to correct their approach.

weselamalaykum werehmetulahi weberakatuhu