An Open Letter to Our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
My Soul is Longing for You (The Holy Prophet)


An Open Letter to Our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (s)


You are the light of our eyes.
Without you we are like orphans,
somehow scared and heartbroken.
Now we seek condolence in roses;
we see you in their beauty
and feel your smell in
their sweet scent.

We are so honoured to
be a part of your nation.
We love you dearly.
We admire and envy those
who love you even more.
You know how one waits and
longs for meeting with the
beloved. That's how we are
longing for our meeting with
you in Paradise.
We get encouraged and hopeful
with your saying "you are with
those whom you love" and
eagerly wait for our
meeting by the River
of Kawthar.

Our Lord the Exalted who created
you and made you His Beloved and asked
the believers to love you and follow
your example has taught us the prayers
of invoking Allah's blessings on you to
help ease our pain of missing you until
the day we meet in Paradise.

"Allah and His Angels send blessings
on the Prophet. O you who believe!
Send your blessings on him, and salute
him with all respect" (33:56).

Every time we ask Allah to send His
Peace and Blessings on you we also feel
the blessings of Allah on us.
We almost visualize the pigeons
of prayers that we set free in
the destination of Madinah reaching
to your blessed garden of rest and
you holding and pitting them gently.

The World Has Defeated Us
The world is a place of travel
and we are the passers by.
In this foreign land we often
trip over and fall into traps.
Our Lord, the Exalted, Who sent
us to this world has made you our
guide. He told us to follow your
example. We constantly remember
your guidance not to make a wrong
step; striving to be like you we
contemplate on every issue and think
how you would have acted if you were
among us now; how you would have
remembered and worshipped Allah
or deal with people or eat and sleep.
We consider you as more important
than our own lives and love those
who love and follow you.

O the best of all the Prophets
O the master of all messengers
Even though we consider it the
highest honour to sacrifice our
lives in the cause of Islam, we
have a difficulty in breaking
the idol of our own ego. You
reminded us that the World with
its sweetness and attractions
may deceive us.

You warned us of the danger of
attaching our hearts to the World.
You told us that the world and all
that is in it is of no real value.
You warned us against collecting
worldly properties.
You told us that we will be tested
with material gains and that the
real life we should strive for is
the Hereafter. You advised us to
be like a traveller passing by.
You did exactly what you told us
to do. There were time you did not
find a few pieces of date to eat.
From the time you honoured Madinah
until the day you passed away you
did not find to eat wheat bread
consecutively for three days.

O Rasoolullah,
O Habibullah,
the world has defeated us.
The world has become a giant
and we became like the dwarfs.

The Abolishment of Oppression

O Rasoolullah,
Our main goal is to strive
against our ego, to revive
ourselves with the guidance
your brought, to live like
a Muslim and to stay as a Muslim.
The World is playing tricks on us
coming up in different costumes,
telling us how to live our lives
and what to do and how to dress.
They do not give us the right to
live like a Muslim and like a
dignified human being. You have
abolished oppression with the
religion you brought and saved
the victims fragile necks from
the bloody hands of oppressors.
The way you saved humanity
fourteen thousand years ago
from oppression and injustice.

The victims, all their rights
were to be oppressed, revived.
The oppressors, never thought of
failure, died. Through the religion
you brought, the oppression has
collapsed. You were the answer for
the hopeless. You have brought the
value that the human being deserves.
Now the oppression awakened and wit
the strength it gained, it is pressing
down on our throats. Every time we
are faced with oppression we find
the condolence in you. We think of
the oppression you had gone through,
and can not help but think as if you
came to this world to endure hardship.
Remembering that you were an orphan
and all the other hardships you were
tested with is like an ointment on
our own injuries. We think of the
times that you were seeking guidance
in the mountain of Nur, tired of the
disorder in the World. We know that
the bats who were scared of the light
that you brought from the mountains
were disturbing you. Yet, you were
steadfast and patient despite all
this hardship. Just as we are about
to sink in the swamp of irrational
oppression, we reach out to the Rope
of Allah that you brought for us.
Once again we realize why Allah Had
Made you our guide and example. With
the pleasure of realizing that you
are a mercy to the World we shed tears.

From Humiliation to Exaltation

O Rasulallah,
O Habibullah,
We learned how to be a dignified human
being from you. With the religion you
brought, Allah Exalted us from humiliation
to sovereignty, from a hole to the citadel.
When we embraced Islam Allah Made us the
best of nations. We became the superpower
that others bent down on their
knees and opened their hands seeking help.
In those magnificent times that we ruled,
we followed your example in forbidding
evil and oppression and giving the
rights of the victims.
Unfortunately, as we shifted away from
the beauty of Islam we dried up, we got
oppressed, we bent down on our knees and
open our hands begging. Since then no one
takes us seriously nor treat us with a
worthy treatment. We want to wake up and
revive and come back to our senses and
raise from humiliation to sovereignty
and live as Muslims.

O beloved of the World!
We want our children to live like
Muslims, to follow your footsteps,
and to be saved from the Hellfire,
whose fuel will be people and stones.
We want those who try to prevent
us from our way to have mercy on us,
and to recognise us and to know that
we want nothing but the pleasure of
Allah. We ask Allah to Give them
guidance and to grant us patience
and success in our struggle.

O Rasulallah,
We truly want to be better
servants of Allah and better
believers again. We want to become
a nation you deserve and be proud
of. We want to be those successful
believers who humble themselves in
their prayers; who avoid vain talk;
who are active in giving Zakat; who
guard their modesty; who faithfully
observe their trust and their
covenants; and who guard their
prayers (23:1-11). These days,
one of the sayings that give us
hope and keep us going is that
you gave the glad tidings to those
servants of Allah who are oppressed
and are patient in enduring it will
be exalted by Allah. We have been
oppressed and humiliated and look
down on. However, we believed the
sovereignty belongs to Allah and
His Prophet and the believers (63:8).
We pray to Allah to be among those
who are patient and thus will
receive sovereignty and honor
that they deserve. We also pray
to be among those who will be
subjected to your intercession
on the day of judgement.


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
Thank you for ur replies.Actually this are the words of my Sir.
Remeber me in your Duas.May Allah help us all(AMEEN).


Junior Member

My Soul is Longing for You (The Holy Prophet)
Subhanallah. Allahuakbar Laailahailaallah muhammadur rasulullah saw Allahumma solli alaa muhammad wa alaa ali muhammad. my dearest muslim family, may Allah swt bless you and us always in all ways. please can you make doa for us all to be united and guided to the right path. please doa for all ummat muhammad generation to follow our prophet muhammad life and footsteps. INSYAALLAH. Come and lets join hands to ask and seek help from Allah swt .SUBHANALLAH.


An Open Letter to Our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (s)


You are the light of our eyes.
Without you we are like orphans,
somehow scared and heartbroken.
Now we seek condolence in roses;
we see you in their beauty
and feel your smell in
their sweet scent.

We are so honoured to
be a part of your nation.
We love you dearly.
We admire and envy those
who love you even more.
You know how one waits and
longs for meeting with the
beloved. That's how we are
longing for our meeting with
you in Paradise.
We get encouraged and hopeful
with your saying "you are with
those whom you love" and
eagerly wait for our
meeting by the River
of Kawthar.

Our Lord the Exalted who created
you and made you His Beloved and asked
the believers to love you and follow
your example has taught us the prayers
of invoking Allah's blessings on you to
help ease our pain of missing you until
the day we meet in Paradise.

"Allah and His Angels send blessings
on the Prophet. O you who believe!
Send your blessings on him, and salute
him with all respect" (33:56).

Every time we ask Allah to send His
Peace and Blessings on you we also feel
the blessings of Allah on us.
We almost visualize the pigeons
of prayers that we set free in
the destination of Madinah reaching
to your blessed garden of rest and
you holding and pitting them gently.

The World Has Defeated Us
The world is a place of travel
and we are the passers by.
In this foreign land we often
trip over and fall into traps.
Our Lord, the Exalted, Who sent
us to this world has made you our
guide. He told us to follow your
example. We constantly remember
your guidance not to make a wrong
step; striving to be like you we
contemplate on every issue and think
how you would have acted if you were
among us now; how you would have
remembered and worshipped Allah
or deal with people or eat and sleep.
We consider you as more important
than our own lives and love those
who love and follow you.

O the best of all the Prophets
O the master of all messengers
Even though we consider it the
highest honour to sacrifice our
lives in the cause of Islam, we
have a difficulty in breaking
the idol of our own ego. You
reminded us that the World with
its sweetness and attractions
may deceive us.

You warned us of the danger of
attaching our hearts to the World.
You told us that the world and all
that is in it is of no real value.
You warned us against collecting
worldly properties.
You told us that we will be tested
with material gains and that the
real life we should strive for is
the Hereafter. You advised us to
be like a traveller passing by.
You did exactly what you told us
to do. There were time you did not
find a few pieces of date to eat.
From the time you honoured Madinah
until the day you passed away you
did not find to eat wheat bread
consecutively for three days.

O Rasoolullah,
O Habibullah,
the world has defeated us.
The world has become a giant
and we became like the dwarfs.

The Abolishment of Oppression

O Rasoolullah,
Our main goal is to strive
against our ego, to revive
ourselves with the guidance
your brought, to live like
a Muslim and to stay as a Muslim.
The World is playing tricks on us
coming up in different costumes,
telling us how to live our lives
and what to do and how to dress.
They do not give us the right to
live like a Muslim and like a
dignified human being. You have
abolished oppression with the
religion you brought and saved
the victims fragile necks from
the bloody hands of oppressors.
The way you saved humanity
fourteen thousand years ago
from oppression and injustice.

The victims, all their rights
were to be oppressed, revived.
The oppressors, never thought of
failure, died. Through the religion
you brought, the oppression has
collapsed. You were the answer for
the hopeless. You have brought the
value that the human being deserves.
Now the oppression awakened and wit
the strength it gained, it is pressing
down on our throats. Every time we
are faced with oppression we find
the condolence in you. We think of
the oppression you had gone through,
and can not help but think as if you
came to this world to endure hardship.
Remembering that you were an orphan
and all the other hardships you were
tested with is like an ointment on
our own injuries. We think of the
times that you were seeking guidance
in the mountain of Nur, tired of the
disorder in the World. We know that
the bats who were scared of the light
that you brought from the mountains
were disturbing you. Yet, you were
steadfast and patient despite all
this hardship. Just as we are about
to sink in the swamp of irrational
oppression, we reach out to the Rope
of Allah that you brought for us.
Once again we realize why Allah Had
Made you our guide and example. With
the pleasure of realizing that you
are a mercy to the World we shed tears.

From Humiliation to Exaltation

O Rasulallah,
O Habibullah,
We learned how to be a dignified human
being from you. With the religion you
brought, Allah Exalted us from humiliation
to sovereignty, from a hole to the citadel.
When we embraced Islam Allah Made us the
best of nations. We became the superpower
that others bent down on their
knees and opened their hands seeking help.
In those magnificent times that we ruled,
we followed your example in forbidding
evil and oppression and giving the
rights of the victims.
Unfortunately, as we shifted away from
the beauty of Islam we dried up, we got
oppressed, we bent down on our knees and
open our hands begging. Since then no one
takes us seriously nor treat us with a
worthy treatment. We want to wake up and
revive and come back to our senses and
raise from humiliation to sovereignty
and live as Muslims.

O beloved of the World!
We want our children to live like
Muslims, to follow your footsteps,
and to be saved from the Hellfire,
whose fuel will be people and stones.
We want those who try to prevent
us from our way to have mercy on us,
and to recognise us and to know that
we want nothing but the pleasure of
Allah. We ask Allah to Give them
guidance and to grant us patience
and success in our struggle.

O Rasulallah,
We truly want to be better
servants of Allah and better
believers again. We want to become
a nation you deserve and be proud
of. We want to be those successful
believers who humble themselves in
their prayers; who avoid vain talk;
who are active in giving Zakat; who
guard their modesty; who faithfully
observe their trust and their
covenants; and who guard their
prayers (23:1-11). These days,
one of the sayings that give us
hope and keep us going is that
you gave the glad tidings to those
servants of Allah who are oppressed
and are patient in enduring it will
be exalted by Allah. We have been
oppressed and humiliated and look
down on. However, we believed the
sovereignty belongs to Allah and
His Prophet and the believers (63:8).
We pray to Allah to be among those
who are patient and thus will
receive sovereignty and honor
that they deserve. We also pray
to be among those who will be
subjected to your intercession
on the day of judgement.