Another Question About Music


Junior Member
Umm so in school I have to play an instrument, i have to, theres nothing i can do about it. so I'm just wondering if until next year which is when i can quit in sha Allah each and every day if i just ask Allah to forgive me because i did not know how bad music was when i started so if Allah knows whats in my heart, will I get a punishment for this or no?


Staff member
Assalamu alaykum,

Have you tried speaking to your teachers about it, tell them that it goes against your religious beliefs? You can perhaps have a letter written from your parents?


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum,

Have you tried speaking to your teachers about it, tell them that it goes against your religious beliefs? You can perhaps have a letter written from your parents?
My mom already talked to them and they said no, so do you think its okay?


Smile for Allah

Sister, isn't there an alternative choice? For example most schools have options between chorus and orchestra/band. If even your parents talking didn't have any effect, I don't know what could be done.... it's still not okay though.


Junior Member

Sister, isn't there an alternative choice? For example most schools have options between chorus and orchestra/band. If even your parents talking didn't have any effect, I don't know what could be done.... it's still not okay though.

Ya theres other choices but they're all equaly bad to Allah so it doesn't matter which n i take. i know, in this society thy mak you things, they can car less about religion. In sha Allah next year though i will definitely quit when i can.

Umm Shareef

Junior Member
Assalamu aleikum,
Sorry to be to the point, sis, but if you know it is wrong and keep making excuses for continuing to do it, then do not be surprised if Allah subhana wa ta'alaa punishes you for your defiance. We all make mistakes and seeking forgiveness is an important part of Islam, but to knowingly repeat our mistakes is not a good idea.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah.

Ukhty, where do you live if you mind me asking? In Britain, perhaps? Here in the US, as far as I know, we have music as one of the electives, so alhamdulillaah for that.

The unfortunate thing about music is that it has become so widespread that now every single culture plays/listens to their own versions. Some people (Muslims) will tell you that music is haraam, except their cultural music that is.

If they've refused to listen to your mom, maybe you can get an imaam or someone of similar authority to call them up? I doubt they'll stand in they way of your 'religious freedom'.


Junior Member
Okay I will try and see how it works out. Thank you so much, and i know music is everywhere these days, its very difficult to avoid it, you wood have to jam your fingers in your ears al the time because everywhere you go its there.