Any sisters from Cambridge UK or near


New Member
Was just wondering cos I do not know anyone in Cambridge we only moved here 4 years ago from Luton and do not know anyone.
I'd love to make new friends like I really wanted to go to the global peace and unity but couldn't cos I had no one to go with, I went the year before and it was great except I took my non Muslim friend and he wasn't to interested and at one point fell asleep which was quite embarrassing lol
I know there is a sisters group most weeks here but I am way to shy just to turn up alone.
It would be great to have someone to meet up with and chat (don't laugh lol I am a right loner)
Also whilst asking are there any brothers from Cambridge or near by my husband is in the same situation he feels more isolated then me he is Bangladeshi Muslim and feels funny when we go out also an Asian man with a white woman he gets real paranoid sometimes.
Also he is not practising Islam at all I would like to get him back into it I have to admit I have become very bad with praying etc so I think it would be best for us both.



There are good sisters here, MashAllah
You have come to the right place....
There is a sister Only Area, you have to sign up first

Some advices:

I think the best is that you mix with with good sisters because if you mix with them, inshAllah you will become good as well, which is exactly what you are doing now.

Luton has lots of good muslims , unfortunately, you have move out. But no worries


Trust in Allah swt
Salam sister,

I dnt live in Cambridge but London, If you ever want to chat or meet pm me anytime :hijabi:

I know how it is moving to a new area, I moved to London 1 1/2 yrs ago and I'm still shy about joining sister groups etc so sort of in the same boat as you :shymuslima1:

I'm 23 and reverted to islam 2 yrs ago Alhumdillah, I was actually thinking about reverting for about 6 months before I did and trying to understand the religion for almost 3 years so it has been a long struggle but I found it finally :tti_sister:
(my name is also Sarah but I changed it to Saira)

As with what brother alkathiri said you should come and join the sisters only area insha allah :hijabi:


Junior Member
AsalaamuAlaykum sis.. hey dont worry im sure u will find lots of sisters to go with.. lol u should have stayed in luton.. im from there!! :d