Any sisters in my area?


New Member
Salem Alikoum brothers and sisters

I hope you are all ok. It has been a while since i last posted a message and since the last post i have taken my shahada! Its great news i know and I would like to thank Kawthar for all her support and messages.She is a great person and im sure Allah(swt) will bless her greatly for her efforts.

In the area that i live (mansfield,notts.UK)there are not many sisters around and i would love to meet new sisters who i could sit and chat to and hopefully they can help me learn more and more about becoming a good muslima.My husband is always on hand to help but sometimes he gets a bit too carried away and i feel a little overpowered and anyway its always best to get a womans point of view on things!
If you are in my area and fancy meeting up or even emailing then it would be great to hear from you.I do feel a little lost on my own sometimes.Most of my friends are non muslim and typical English(as i used to be)and i cannot discuss things with them.
Unfortunately,apart from my husband and a few brothers and sisters i met through the mesjid,i havent told anyone about me being muslim.I dont feel ready to share it with anyone yet as its still all new to me.

It would be great to hear from my sisters.

Your sister

Lorraine *!*!*!x


Junior Member
salaam 3lykum

let me congratulate you on your shahada and i am wish you can find some sisters around i wish i was me but i am egyptian but let me tell you that all of us here are your sisters and brothers
your sis
salam 3lykum wa jazaki Allahu khyran