Asalaamu alaykum from a new revert sister


New Member
Salaam everyone,

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a revert sister from Britain - I only reverted last sunday alhamdulillah so I'm a newbie. I had been registered on here before and I'd just like to say alhamdulillah this website really helped me in finding Islam :)
JazakAllah guys!!! I hope that I can help out in some way too just let me know :)

P.S - does anybody know where I can find spoken Du'as online? I have a book but am having trouble pronouncing some of the transliteration arabic.


Junior Member
Salamoualikoum British Sister

Inshallah you'll enjoy this site and find all the information you need.

May God guide us all!!!

Welcome to this site and welcome to this beautiful religion

ps : Are you a Manchester U, Arsenal or Chelsea fan ? (lol, just kidding)


Junior Member
Salaam alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe

Dear sister,

Macha'Allah....i'm very happy for you that you've become my sister in this beautiful religion and way of life. Marhaba (Welcome) my dear sister. May Allah (Subhana wa ta'alla) keep on guiding you and give you the knowledge that you need and reward you with paradise insha'Allah...ameen.
If you have any questions, just ask them, and i will do my very best to answer them insha'Allah. I myself am also a revert for almost 6 years now Al Hamdulillah. I hope to learn many things about and from you insha'Allah.

Wa salaamoe alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe
Your sister in Islam, Aicha


Junior Member
AssalamoAlaikum warehmatullahe wabarakatuho,
welcome to ur new family sister. May Allah swt guide us all, forgive us and grant us jannatul firdos with his mercy, InshaAllah tallah, AAAMEEEEEEN! we will all learn from each other with Allah's will.

JazakAllahu khayrun
your sister in Islam. :)


Junior Member
welcome sister! and congratulations on your reversion! if you ever need any help, then feel free to ask!


Junior Member
Welcome Sister

Assalamualaikum Sister,

Alhamdullilah.. Welcome to this great website & congrats my sis.. May Allah guides us all to the way of jannah(paradise) in the hereafter..:)



Azlina Sam


Forever Student

Good to hear that you reverted. Just curious how much studying and time you took before deciding to take the Shahadah.


New Member

Good to hear that you reverted. Just curious how much studying and time you took before deciding to take the Shahadah.

Well I studied it in some detail for quite a while, about 5 months before I finally took my Shahadah. When I first learnt the truth about the basic principles of Islam, I accepted it to be the truth and the way that I wanted to live my life but felt that I'd better try it for a while so I knew that I wasn't being impulsive. Some people I know have taken 2 years, some only one day! But I think that when Allah calls you to take the Shahadah or you ask Him to tell send you a sign that it is right then that will be the right time, no matter how much you know! However, I do think it's wise just to get a clear idea of the five pillars for anyone who's thinking of re/converting and not just what they are, but what they entail because these are the fundamentals of Islam. Also, I'd try and get a good support group around you as well because at times it can become quite overwhelming! But Alhamdulillah Allah Knows Best for us all ameen


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum Wa Rahmet Allah Wa barakatu

Welcome to TTI and most importantly welcome to Islam. Insha Allah you benifit from us and maybe you can help us benifit from u.
Insha Allah you will enjoy ur stay.
If u have any questions or concerns please dont hesitate to ask.


New Member
Welcome to TTI and most importantly welcome to Islam. Insha Allah you benifit from us and maybe you can help us benifit from u.
Insha Allah you will enjoy ur stay.
If u have any questions or concerns please dont hesitate to ask.

salam walikom sister,i m aiesha and i m really new into islam,and i find it very dificult because my husband is christian an i need some help and someone to talk about many things what i can and i cant ,please sister if you are willing to advise may ALLAH bless you!!!!!!!:redface: thenk you.


Slave of Allah (SWT)
Allah Ho Akbar!!!

Asalaamu-alaykum Sister,

Congratulations on reverting to Islam. Alhamdulillah. May Allah (SWT) forgive you, have mercy on you, guide you, give you good health, and provide for you and your family.

Welcome to TTI. Insha-Allah you’ll learn more about our beautiful religion – Islam - through this website. The brothers and sisters here are very helpful, and I hope you gain the answers that you are looking for.

Personally, I recommend reading a book called Fortress of the Muslim by Darussalam ( It contains many prayers that you can read from morning to evening. The du'as are written in Arabic and English, with translations in English and references to where they originated from.

Allah guides whom He wills and He knows best those who will be guided.


'Say, [O believers]. "We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants [Al-Asbat] and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.'
(Qur’an C2: V136)

"When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah."
(Qur’an C3: V159)

“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as your religion.”
(Qur’an C5: V3)

"O humanity! There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a cure for all [the ills] in men’s hearts - and for those who believe, a Guidance and a Mercy"
(Qur’an C10: V57)

"Verily Allah does not change men’s condition unless they change their inner selves."
(Qur’an C13: V11)


Junior Member
I know this has been said before, but if you read this, may allah grant you true peace in this world and the next....walakum salam.


trying to be Mu'min
Hi Sister, Assalaamualikkum Varahmathullah

Warm Welcome to wonderfull relegion:mashallah: and family
Your brother in Islam

"When God's help and victory have arrived, and you have seen people entering God's religion in droves, then
glorify your Lord's praise and ask His forgiveness" (Qur'an (110) Sura: an Nasr)


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum

salam walikom sister,i m aiesha and i m really new into islam,and i find it very dificult because my husband is christian an i need some help and someone to talk about many things what i can and i cant ,please sister if you are willing to advise may ALLAH bless you!!!!!!!:redface: thenk you.

I am sorry for the late reply, i would be more than happy to help you. You can send me a private message insha Allah at anytime.