asalamu alaykum

:salam2:, greetings from California...

I have yet to say shahadah, learn proper arabic to read koran, or even go to al masjid, etc. but I love Islam already and have learned a good amount for beginners and thought this site could provide more than enough help. :)



Junior Member
yes take your shahada right away ... take your place between your brothers and sisters in Islam
of course your place in the heaven with the willing of Allaah too :lol:

s 091

Junior Member
:salam2: when you are ready to do your shahada you will know. There was something I was once told...if you think you are not ready continue on your path of learning and one day you will have an urgue from inside that gives you the biggest push to do it that you could ever have, and that push will come from Allah letting you know that you are ready. I thought that it was a beautiful saying and know I know that it is true...:hijabi: inshalla you will also get that feeling. {I am sure you will}. Any questions this sister is always here to help, feel free to pm me any time if you have a question.