

New Member

Mashallah..Reading your stories brings tears to my eyes..Especially the stories of our brothers & sisters who have converted. May Allah (SWT) keep you all steadfast on deen..May he shower his infinate mercy and blessings upon you all and grant you all the highest rank in Jannatul Firdous! Ameen...

Alhamdulillah i was born a muslim and having been bought up in a very Islamic environment i was blessed with access to some of the most inspirational Islamic scholars. By the will of the Almighty I memorised the Quran at a young age. Unfortunately the evils of society and being very weak I was drawn into a non islamic world.

Although I am very well versed in Islam I still cannot understand how I allowed satan to lead me astray, so seeing all of you finding Islam and falling in love with the way of life etc..makes me feel embarrased and ashamed of myself.

What keeps me going is what the Allah said to Hazrat Musa (AS) when he ordered the ground to swallow Pharoah. I'm sure that you are all aware of the story when Hazrat Musa ordered the ground to swallow Pharoah, Pharoah begged Hazrat Musa for forgiveness numerous times. We all know that the ground swallowed him. Immediately after this Allah spoke to Hazrat Musa and said "Pharoah begged you for forgiveness over and over again..Had he asked ME for forgiveness just once...I would have forgiven him."

Allah is so merciful and kind..We can talk about his attributes and as stated in a Hadith.."If you were to use the sea as ink and start to note Allahs attributes, The water will run out before all the greatness of Allah is written.

I strongly believe that another main reason why Alhamdulillah the Almighty has protected me is due to my Mothers prayers..Bless her she recites 2 rakats of Salatul Hajaat after every prayer for me...It's her duas most definately as Alhandulillah Allah has blessed me with sucess after sucess, even when i strayed away...
This leads me to another saying of our beloved prohet Muhammed (SAW)..

It has been narrated by Hazrat Umar (RA) to the nearest meaning..
One day an Ethiopian man came to him and said the following.."I have carried my mum from Ethiopia to the Holy cities to perform pilgrimage for the last 7 years, carrying her on my back. O companion of the Prophet (SAW) tell me, Have I fulfilled my duties towards my mother?"
Hazrat Umar said that i have heard the prophet (SAW) say that no matter how much one does for their mother in their lifetime, One would not even be able to repay the first gasp of pain when the mother went into labour."

This shows us the importants of parents in Islam!

Apologies if I've gone on a bit...Once again thankyou all..Being on this site and reading all the posts has helped to strengthen my Imaan.


Omar (ex Andrey)

Salam Alleykum, brother! Welcome to the forum!

We all make mistakes, but what differs us from non-believers is that we repent & ask Allah for forgiveness. You live in the UK which is not Saudi Arabia. I lived there for some time & I know how hard it can be to keep iman there strong!

I'm quite new to Islam & I don't have all the Islamic knowledge that you have - it's great that you are a hafeez - that's a real treasure in this life.

Please take an active role in this forum - we need the knowledge that you've got - insha Allah this will make our ummah better & stronger!

Salam Aleykum,
