assalam alikom السلام عليكم


New Member
assalam alikom warhmatollah.
i'm your sister in islam i'm morcan arab .i follow the way of salf salih ridwan allah alyhim and i'm making dawa here in marrakech with lot of britich and americains converts before .the sister Sakina who told me about this website and now i'm between you i hope we help each other inshallh to go to janna and be good muslims.


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum sister and marhaban biek...

i dont understand...the way of salf salih ridwan?/

we muslims follow the teachings of mohammed salalahu wa3alayhi wasalam..he is our teacher ( mu3allim)

anyway, welcome here sister.

your moroccan brother ..and brother in islam hamdulah

fi amaan ALLAH

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Wa Alaykum Assalam our noble sister

welcome to TTI..enjoy ur stay insha`Allaah..

may Allaah accept your good Deeds Ameen..

don't hesitate ask any help in making dawa..All us here for sake of Allaah..

and Alhamdulillaah our site follow The Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah..ِAqeedah Al salaf Al salah



Your Sister In Islam
Salam sister, i have never heard of "salf salih ridwan allah alyhim". i hoop it is the sunnah ur talking about. I welcome you to tti, and i hoop u have a nice stay with us.

salam wa rahmat allah...


وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
Welcome, sister, to TTI. May we all learn from each other, inshallah.


assalam alikom warhmatollah.
i'm your sister in islam i'm morcan arab .i follow the way of salf salih ridwan allah alyhim and i'm making dawa here in marrakech with lot of britich and americains converts before .the sister Sakina who told me about this website and now i'm between you i hope we help each other inshallh to go to janna and be good muslims.


Ahlan wa sahlan sister

I'm also follow Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah..ِin the way wich Muhammad s.a.w.s., then sahabas r.a., did it ( the way of salaf-ul- saheeh ) :blackhijab:
