Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

Bismilahir Rahmanir Raheem

Dear Brothers and Respected sisters in Islam,

I joined TTI exactly one month ago. I chose not to post an introduction of myself because I was not sure, at that point, if I will continue to participate in the discussion here. In the past I have seen many good forums online taken over by peopel who are ignorant or want to undermine Islam. I must say, Alhamdulilah, this TTI experience has been a very rewarding one so far. I deeply appreciate informative posts by brothers like Mabsoot, IslamicFajr and others. Masha Allah you are indeed doing the work much needed on the internet. I also have come to admire teh design of TTI. It does promote more exchange of ideas and hopefully less non-islamic actvity (such as "web-dating" ). I would like to remind my brotehrs and sisters taht mingling of opposite gender in Islam is restricted. Please keep Allah in mind and do not use this forum for meeting the members of opposite gender. If your intentions are to meet a future spouse then there are plenty of other web-sites available for that purpose. I, of course, have no official right to ask you of doing so...just my advice as yoru muslim brother. This way we keep our intentions pure to learn and teach issues directly related to Islam.

A few words about myself. I guess I am older than most here. I am in my late 40's. Born in Pakistan but emmigarted to the US about quarter of a century ago. Alhamdulilah, married to a converted (reverted) american muslimah. Curerntly, we live in Arizona. I am a physician (Internal Medicine)by profession..lately I have had lots of spare time to spend here on TTI (Alhamdulilah) a hadith advises us we must take advantage of lesiure (spare time) before we get busy.

Thank you for putting up with my herendous typing. Anything good that I have said in my pervious posts here on TTI or will write in the future is from Allah anything evil that I say is from my own self (nafas) and shytan. If anything that I say (or have said) contradicts the Quran and/or hadith please reject it and feel free to correct me.

May Allah accept from all of us who come here to learn our deen. May Allah strengthen the hearts of muslims all over. May Allah guide all those non-muslims who ae searching the Truth with all sincerity.

was salamu alaikum wa rahamtullah


Junior Member
True - But

I do agree with what you have to say but an the other hand I know many people here in England find that this is the best way to meet someone that they would get on with. Some parents try to marry their children off with someone they would never be on the same level with them and sites like this help educate us and free to find a partner. I myself have not found anyone but I know my parents would find me someone I would be happy with whereas other people do not have as understanding parents as I am lucky to have.


Junior Member
Assalam Alaikum,

I don't think you need to worry about the mixing of genders, the admin has no intention of making this a marriage site:) Welcome to the community, Inshallah we will all be able to learn much and Inshallah Allah will always be pleased with you and your family.