Awkward Prayer Moments

sabina isa

Junior Member

When praying in Jamaa sometimes it happened that one of sisters would have akward movements, and one time we giggled so much, we had to repeat our prayer. A sweet memory of first years of praying....



New Member
Here is one.....

Just now for noon prayer I prayed outside...a little late...yes i know.
But my dog tried sitting on me and licking me when I prostrated. I had to repeat my prayer after I got him away from me. LOL


Junior Member
When my best friend and I prayed in my spare room, one of my cats - who was then just a kitten barely above a handful - was fascinated by him every time he went into sujood. After the prayer was done he said "Next time akhi...we close the door...she kept licking my ear!!!!"


Junior Member
I had a rabbit who would rush to get in the sujood place before me!!.i had to wait too long for him to get away.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Here is one.....

Just now for noon prayer I prayed outside...a little late...yes i know.
But my dog tried sitting on me and licking me when I prostrated. I had to repeat my prayer after I got him away from me. LOL
Asalamo 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh,

Before anyone jumps in to tell me off, I apologize if this is offensive for you.

Though I know this thread is suppose to be funny, I'll go a bit serious and point out, You do know that dog's saliva and if I'm not wrong even it's touch is impure, right? Err you did clean yourself before repeating your prayers?


Junior Member
I was praying in a mosque and there was an old man besides me.He was being disturbed by a mosquito.And i was laughing inside and smiling.

Noor El-Huda

Junior Member
My brother was praying and our cat was well focused on a zooming fly around the lamp. The fly made an unnoticable landing on his back, so jumped the serious cat to her target.

We watched this quiet praying person roar and attempt somersaults to get her 'not so soft landing' off his back. She dug her claws for a cautious descend, leaving behind her fresh red streaks down his back. Ouch!
Some painful prayer!


Junior Member
My son will plop down right on the middle of my prayer rug when I am praying and then look up at me all cute. Its hard not to crack up at him.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Uh, let's see... A cousin of mine was telling me how his friend and him were wandering 'round the city and it was suddenly prayer time. So they rushed to the nearest masjid and were two raka`ahs late. When the Imaam made the tasleem, they stood up to add the 2.. But what they didn't was that it was a soofi masjid and the men(right after they said the tasleem) gathered into a circle to do their 'stuff'(you know, those disturbingly loud noises they make while 'praising' the prophet..or is it Allaah?!) and the 2 boys were the only ones left standing.. My cousin said(aside from the shouting) he felt 'stares' on him and feeling awkward, got out of the prayer..only to find that his friend had already ran away(I found this part funny, LOL!) and half of the men were looking at him weirdly while the other half were doing their...stuff.

Subhaanallaah though, May Allaah tabaaraka wa ta`aalaa accept our salaat!

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
My cat does the same as the rabbit mentioned above. goes exactly in the spot of my sajda and sits there. I have to eiather wait for him to move (which he never does) or try push him. After pushing him he will play with my head. it funny, as soon as he sees me getting the musallah out for prayer he thinks its play time! i usually coerce him out the room before i start :) Allah's wonderful creations! gotta love em!


Junior Member

I remember praying with one of my sisters and when we went for ruk'u and sujood, her head went *BANG* really hard on the radiator. I held in my laugh but wallaahi it was so hard! 


Staff member
Uh, let's see... A cousin of mine was telling me how his friend and him were wandering 'round the city and it was suddenly prayer time. So they rushed to the nearest masjid and were two raka`ahs late. When the Imaam made the tasleem, they stood up to add the 2.. But what they didn't was that it was a soofi masjid and the men(right after they said the tasleem) gathered into a circle to do their 'stuff'(you know, those disturbingly loud noises they make while 'praising' the prophet..or is it Allaah?!) and the 2 boys were the only ones left standing.. My cousin said(aside from the shouting) he felt 'stares' on him and feeling awkward, got out of the prayer..only to find that his friend had already ran away(I found this part funny, LOL!) and half of the men were looking at him weirdly while the other half were doing their...stuff.

Subhaanallaah though, May Allaah tabaaraka wa ta`aalaa accept our salaat!
Lol that was funny..Jazakillaah khayr.

They think they're showing love for Rasulullaah :saw2: by these innovations in religion when in fact its the greatest insult to his message.



Junior Member
Uh, let's see... A cousin of mine was telling me how his friend and him were wandering 'round the city and it was suddenly prayer time. So they rushed to the nearest masjid and were two raka`ahs late. When the Imaam made the tasleem, they stood up to add the 2.. But what they didn't was that it was a soofi masjid and the men(right after they said the tasleem) gathered into a circle to do their 'stuff'(you know, those disturbingly loud noises they make while 'praising' the prophet..or is it Allaah?!) and the 2 boys were the only ones left standing.. My cousin said(aside from the shouting) he felt 'stares' on him and feeling awkward, got out of the prayer..only to find that his friend had already ran away(I found this part funny, LOL!) and half of the men were looking at him weirdly while the other half were doing their...stuff.

Subhaanallaah though, May Allaah tabaaraka wa ta`aalaa accept our salaat!

Lol, my brother has a similar experience of innovation in a shia mosque. He was out for a work and when it was time for salat, he searched for mosque and didn't realize it was a shia mosque (it is not very different). After he went inside, he saw people picking up small stones and keeping it in the place where they do sujood. According to them, it is the stone from karbala. He didn't still realize it was weird. And then after the first rakat, people started shaking hands. That's when he realized something was wrong and fled from there and found another sunni mosque and did his salat there.