Babies born in Falluja

Oem Soufiane

Junior Member
Allahu akbar, they will be destroyd, in this live and/or the hereafter!!!!!!!!

How come they 'so called' admitted using these bombs while we don't know about it, and what are they saying to Iran now, let Iran bomb all of them.

Ya rabb, let them burn in the hellfire again and again.

warda A

How to kill more efficiently ?
Submitted by Michael Perkins on Mon, 2008-07-14 22:27.

We send soldiers to war too often for the wrong reasons ( money, oil , power, insanity) but civilians , regular men women & children, are the ones who overwhelmingly pay w/ their lives & most people conveniently forget that our WMD's also kill our soldiers. My brother who served in Gulf War 1 as a tank commander is dead due to Depleted Uranium shells that WE use ( don't believe the crap that DU is "safe", it's nuclear waste) We should send only presidents or their equivalent to fight wars , they start the wars let them fight their wars.

This comment put it all in one place