Back on the Path I Pray


Seeking allah
SAlaam Alikum Brothers & Sisters

I have been gone for a long time, I have missed all of you and I have missed being Muslim, That might sound strange but I have had almost a year of non practising and I am ashamed of myself, I was working non stop 60 to 100 hours a week and I never found time to pray except when i fell into bed each night alone exhausted and feeling like my life would be best over, Sadly my life too a turn for the worst or better depends on how you look at it and I have been off work with a very painfull injury to my back now for 6 weeks and in that time I have vowed never to let my work control me the way it had and taking away from me the most important things in my life .. my faith and my family I :tti_sister: so much to Allah SWT for forgiveness for being such a fool and not seing what was happening :shymuslima1: I weas trying to be a machine and I ended up ill I know it is my punishment for not being a good person and doing my muslim duties and I accept them happily because sometimes we get lost and it takes a sharp turn to make us sit up and take notice of our priorites which I have done, So I will continue now the way I was supposed to and pray for forgiveness

I hope you are all well and I am so happy to be back



Assalaam walaikum,

Welcome home baby..welcome home..

Do not punish yourself. You are back home. It is time to rest and heal.

You are in our dua.