Biden assures voters Obama will protect Israel




DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. - Sen. Joe Biden assured older Jewish voters Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will be strong on protecting Israel, which he said is less secure now than when President Bush took office.

Biden, Obama's vice presidential running mate, laid out his own history on Israeli issues for the audience of several hundred at a Broward County retirement community and emphatically said Obama stands right along side him on Israel.

Biden said he has fought the sale of sophisticated weapons to Arab nations, has known every Israeli prime minister since Golda Meir and has co-sponsored legislation to fight Palestinian terrorism.

"I am chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee," Biden said. "I give you my word as a Biden — I would not have given up that job to be Barack Obama's vice president if I didn't in my gut and in my heart and in my head know that Barack Obama is exactly where I am on Israel. And he is."

Biden told the crowd to ignore the "scurrilous" things said about Obama on the Internet, including rumors that the Christian Obama is a Muslim.

"To the extent you trust me and understand where my heart is, I promise you the stuff you're getting on the Internet is simply not true," he said.

He also said the terrorist threat to Israel has increased, along with the threat from Iran as it tries to develop nuclear weapons.

"By any objective fact, Israel is less secure today in the world than it was eight years ago," Biden said. "I promise you ... we will make it more secure."

Republican John McCain's campaign, citing Obama's past comments about meeting with leaders of nations like Iran, said the Democrat "is not a credible voice when speaking to the long-time relationship between Israel and the United States."
The trip was Biden's first to Florida since joining the Democratic presidential ticket.

Biden was introduced by a Holocaust survivor, and later talked about taking his sons to Germany and visiting a former concentration camp. He also said he held hearings on anti-Semitism and stressed that society must remember the Holocaust so that genocide can be stopped wherever it occurs.

"Genocide is genocide is genocide and if we remain silent, it will happen again and again and again," Biden said to loud applause.

Biden was asked about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and the news that her 17-year-old, unmarried daughter is pregnant. He refused to address the issue.

"Children are off limits," he said. "We've all been through things with our children. And it's about common decency. Just treat people with common decency."

Later, during a town hall meeting in West Palm Beach, Biden said that history will judge Bush harshly not because of his mistakes, but the opportunities he squandered — particularly after the country was united and the world supportive after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"Imagine had the president said then, 'We cannot continue to rely upon the nations that fund the very people who attacked us. I am calling on America ... to join me in making the initial sacrifices to make us energy independent'" Biden said. "America would have stood up and responded in a way you couldn't imagine.";_ylt=AkVtkzkl7bYijMJMu4fveA1h24cA


New Member
Are you surprised? No matter who is in office, America has an agenda. Every president will follow that agenda, democrat or republican. Do not be fooled by this whole democratic process. At the end of the day the US GOVT makes its own decisions. The whole voting thing simply looks good on paper and in the eyes of the world.


Junior Member
This should be of no surprise to you. America will do anything for Israel. The thing is what will be the consequences for Muslims. Obama is pro Israel but he is not a war monger. If Mccain is elected he will keep war going with any Muslim Country he can. He will utilize Israel for this reason just as Bush has done. Remember Israel bombed Syria using the Bush theme of they have weapons of mass destruction. Obama just wants to keep all that war money for the poor USA lol. YOU have to ask yourself who would you want as the pres of USA? The one who would love to wipe Muslims off the map by using war. Or the one who is against war with the Muslim world or any world for that matter. All US politicians have a selfish agenda. Shaitan controls those agendas so no US president will ever stand up or do anything positive for the Muslim world. Unless we get a Muslim pres in the US. That will never happen. I won't say never because Allah does as he wills. It's illegal to construct a mineret in this country. Even though you can open liquor stores and strip clubs any where you want. We have One Muslim senator who set off a riot when he was sworn in on the Quran. So just pray that Allah will protect us and keep your faith strong. Allah gave us sharia so it does not matter what Biden, Obama or Mccain says. We don't follow their laws we follow the laws of our lord The creator.


New Member

I REALLY hope that articles like this won't prevent Muslims from voting for Obama. It's not as if McCain is planning to sever ties with Israel!!!!!:lol:

McCain is bad enough as it is, but pair him up with Palin now?? TO me that equals Double Trouble!!!!!:angryred:

Alot of lip service from Biden. He's never visited Palestine yet he talks about how genocide needs to be stopped. He's dumb, deaf and blind.

He does not even know the poverty & destruction that the Zionists are commiting. You're talking about Palestinians with no bullet proof vests, armors, shields, guns - who throws rocks and sacrifices their bodies in an open field and Israelie soldiers who have all of those including tanks and gernades and then having the guts to call it "Palestinian terrorism" because they're protecting their land from the illegal occupation of the Zionists. I don't understand.

The interest of U.S. government is for Israel not America!

Muslims need to wake up. Voting is a joke.



It still amazes me the number of Muslims who will vote for Obama. Voting is a joke and I do not participate, it is not of my world.
Why do we have Muslims wanting Obama..let him work to free Dr. Siddiqui.
How does NOT voting help?? Then you leave the "decision" up to other people only.

The U.S. is not democratic it's a polyarchy. Voting resides in the hands of wealthy class elites. The Federal Reserve (a private institution) & AIPAC are the ones that control the media and influence the people. If the media was honest, running-president Ron Paul would of been given a fair shot.


Servant of Allah

I REALLY hope that articles like this won't prevent Muslims from voting for Obama. It's not as if McCain is planning to sever ties with Israel!!!!!:lol:

McCain is bad enough as it is, but pair him up with Palin now?? TO me that equals Double Trouble!!!!!:angryred:

as a muslim you're NOT supposed to be voting at all in a kafir country. cause both are kuffar and both will still attack muslims. and because you add a vote to either of them will increase him in voting numbers. i hate both and i shall never vote for a kafir. watch this dear sister.



Alot of lip service from Biden. He's never visited Palestine yet he talks about how genocide needs to be stopped. He's dumb, deaf and blind.

He does not even know the poverty & destruction that the Zionists are commiting. You're talking about Palestinians with no bullet proof vests, armors, shields, guns - who throws rocks and sacrifices their bodies in an open field and Israelie soldiers who have all of those including tanks and gernades and then having the guts to call it "Palestinian terrorism" because they're protecting their land from the illegal occupation of the Zionists. I don't understand.

The interest of U.S. government is for Israel not America!

Muslims need to wake up. Voting is a joke.
You're quite right.
Whether they be Republican or Democrats, at the end of they day they are two sides of the same coin.
However, Biden is more practical and is somewhat aware of the need to ratify American Foreign Policy, unlike the people who currently sets the precedent for Foreign Policy. I don't think he is trigger happy like Bush and his shaiyteens.



The question becomes more philosophical than political. We know that the agenda is not for the benefit of can it be given that the aim is total hegemony. Today it is Iraq..Afganistan..Pakistan...The policies are written to help those in power..the elected to write the laws and to protect the interests of those who want more and more. It is that simple.
Those who still believe in the American system..why does Congress allow the strange laws. Why does Congress allocate money to be spent on war. They could vote against it. It is that simple.
As practicing Muslims we have to make individual decisions as to what is good for the ummath. As Muslims do we partake in the decisions of the disbelievers. As we move in our becomes apparent we are the strangers in this country.
Now, for many there are political organizations such as CAIR...and many professional Muslims are members of many councils. They wish to live in a world of harmony. They work within the political system. They wish for intergration and acceptance within the narrow strip of society dedicated to Muslims. It is an individual decision.
As this is a philosphical decision there is no right or wrong. If one wishes to be part of the system and accept all its consequences do so. One must understand that by being part of the system you also allow the powers that be to do as they wish. You in a sense encourage the system to persist in its policies.



The question becomes more philosophical than political. We know that the agenda is not for the benefit of can it be given that the aim is total hegemony. Today it is Iraq..Afganistan..Pakistan...The policies are written to help those in power..the elected to write the laws and to protect the interests of those who want more and more. It is that simple.
Those who still believe in the American system..why does Congress allow the strange laws. Why does Congress allocate money to be spent on war. They could vote against it. It is that simple.
As practicing Muslims we have to make individual decisions as to what is good for the ummath. As Muslims do we partake in the decisions of the disbelievers. As we move in our becomes apparent we are the strangers in this country.
Now, for many there are political organizations such as CAIR...and many professional Muslims are members of many councils. They wish to live in a world of harmony. They work within the political system. They wish for intergration and acceptance within the narrow strip of society dedicated to Muslims. It is an individual decision.
As this is a philosphical decision there is no right or wrong. If one wishes to be part of the system and accept all its consequences do so. One must understand that by being part of the system you also allow the powers that be to do as they wish. You in a sense encourage the system to persist in its policies.
I don't think organization like CAIR has any political power concerning elections especially something monumental as the presidential election. Their role is limited to others things such as "expressing Islamic concern, raising awareness, helping Muslim communities in USA, attending peace conferences etc etc..."
It's not CAIR's fault either. American politicians will not take Islamic organizations like CAIR seriously unless it benefits the politicians or CAIR can donate $$$$ like AIPAC, AARP, NRA and so on.

So they say "All politics is local".

If the numbers of Muslims in the United States increase to let's say 15million or so, then politicians will take notice.
Insah Allah it will change in the future.
So let us get married and make a lot of Muslim babies :D. j/k

Until then whether CAIR (or similar organizations) like it or not, their role is limited and they have no political power whatsoever!

Just think about it, how many politicians came to address CAIR? Let alone presidential nominees. Politicians are very weary of public opinion, and when the public see Islam with suspicion obviously they will keep their distance.
It should come as no surprise that Obama's campaign moved two Hijabi sisters from first few row so they wouldn't be within the range of cameras. I can give other examples to prove that politicians will keep their distance from Muslims.

In addition to the obstacles I mentioned, it doesn't help when you have scums like Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, and Alan Dershwitz making their living by slandering Islam and Muslims. These people not only have a strong voice amongst the politicians, but also amongst American "intellectuals". Not only that, they are considered "foremost authority on the Middle East and Islam".
This should send a chill through the spines of American Muslims.

Just to give you an example of their influence.

Alan Dershwitz (Harvard Law professor) is the scum who coined the famous term "clash of civilization".
He was also one of the leading figure who urged Bush The Great Donkey to invade Iraq to implement "democracy and freedom" and serve as "role model" to rest of the Middle East.
He is very influential in Israel, especially amongst their politicians and scholars. According to him 'indiscriminate killings between civilians and militants is justified' in Palestinian villages. He goes further saying in response to any attack by Palestinians on Israelis, IDF has the "right" to punish Palestinians by "overwhelming Palestinians villages and towns with military power".
I can go and and on about this scum, yet he is considered a "foremost authority on the Middle East".
There are bunch of other scums like him in American academia.
The influence of one of this scums is something CAIR could only dream of, as of presently.

Noam Chomsky put it best when he spoke of Alan Dershwitz "nothing but a propagandist".

As this is a philosphical decision there is no right or wrong. If one wishes to be part of the system and accept all its consequences do so. One must understand that by being part of the system you also allow the powers that be to do as they wish. You in a sense encourage the system to persist in its policies.

Sorry to get off topic. I was just wanted to point out, that CAIR is ineffective when it comes to Politics. That being said, I do agree with you, and hence I will vote in the election. If I can contribute to something that will help American Military to withdraw from at least Iraq, then it is worth a try. I will give Obama the benefit of doubt.



P.S. Alan Dershwitz the Pig has a new proganda project to work on. He is currently busy portraying "Iran as a threat to Israel and world peace".
For some reason I always think of Abu Jahaal when I think of Alan Dershwitz. Anyone else agree with me last statement?