Call for prayer?? or Illusion??

Sally A

Junior Member
Salamou Alaykom brothers and sisters :),

I may sound crazy but thats really what I'm asking myself.
I do my best to always make my prayers on time but when I come from school I already miss some so I pray them but the Isha did not start yet or sometimes I'm distracted and forget to look at the watch or didin't hear the athan. Then suddenly I hear a athan the exact same one that we have on the computer saying the athan over and over again at a certain point that I think its the computer so I go down athan...I ask my parents where the athan here ?? they say sinse I was wondering is that a call for prayer or my illusion....and did it ever happen to anyone??


Staff member
wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu

I'm afraid I'll need to see your mental health records before I can proceed answering.

Just kidding of course. Honestly there's a few things at play here. First of all, although I believe you entirely in your intentions and desire to do all of your prayers - I must still urge that you try to get them at their prescribed times. Or else the result is only for fulfilling the obligation and not really how Allaah commanded - since He gave each prayer a specific time for a reason.

At school or libraries or other places I've always found ways to work around the time slots, and if you pluck up the courage and tell someone in charge a little about Islaam and this requirement - and that it really only takes a little bit out of your time, I've found they are usually accommodating. You might want to try that out and see how it goes.

About hearing things though – that’s absolutely normal in my book! In fact, I hear things all the time…. then again, I talk to myself too… In any case! It might just be your brain's way of reminding you of the timing, and a blessing from Allaah subhana wa ta’ala. We’re wired in miraculous ways, in such that our subconscious minds work parallel to our conscious ones and in that way we’re often reminded of things even if we weren’t thinking of them originally. Added to the fact that certain sounds or tastes become hardwired into our memories so that we can bring them up on recall, your occurrence (science wise) doesn’t seem too improbable at all.

I’m no specialist, so I can’t give any other thoughts besides that, but would just say that you should take it as a blessing and use it for good inshaAllaah.

Allaah knows best!

Wasalaamu ‘alaykum

Sally A

Junior Member
wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu

I'm afraid I'll need to see your mental health records before I can proceed answering.

Just kidding of course. Honestly there's a few things at play here. First of all, although I believe you entirely in your intentions and desire to do all of your prayers - I must still urge that you try to get them at their prescribed times. Or else the result is only for fulfilling the obligation and not really how Allaah commanded - since He gave each prayer a specific time for a reason.

At school or libraries or other places I've always found ways to work around the time slots, and if you pluck up the courage and tell someone in charge a little about Islaam and this requirement - and that it really only takes a little bit out of your time, I've found they are usually accommodating. You might want to try that out and see how it goes.

About hearing things though – that’s absolutely normal in my book! In fact, I hear things all the time…. then again, I talk to myself too… In any case! It might just be your brain's way of reminding you of the timing, and a blessing from Allaah subhana wa ta’ala. We’re wired in miraculous ways, in such that our subconscious minds work parallel to our conscious ones and in that way we’re often reminded of things even if we weren’t thinking of them originally. Added to the fact that certain sounds or tastes become hardwired into our memories so that we can bring them up on recall, your occurrence (science wise) doesn’t seem too improbable at all.

I’m no specialist, so I can’t give any other thoughts besides that, but would just say that you should take it as a blessing and use it for good inshaAllaah.

Allaah knows best!

Wasalaamu ‘alaykum

woow I choke when you said that you have to see my mental health record....looool......

yeah about the time I always do it on time but you know when I am in the school I can't really thats when I actually miss the prayer times...........

and yes Allah knows best ;)