can anybody answer ???


New Member

yesterday i was discussing with a person about current state of muslims and that we are so far away in every field of science and education because we are away from Quran and Sunnah , but he didnt agree and asked me a question

he said ''Do you think being closer to religion brings you greater educational attainment? If that were the case, than countries like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark would be the most religious societies on earth. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.Developing an education infrastrucure requires investment by the state.''??
The people of denmark and norways are not muslim sooo whatever they are doing its from allah.because this world is like paradies for non-muslim, jail for muslims.


Junior Member

yesterday i was discussing with a person about current state of muslims and that we are so far away in every field of science and education because we are away from Quran and Sunnah , but he didnt agree and asked me a question

he said ''Do you think being closer to religion brings you greater educational attainment? If that were the case, than countries like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark would be the most religious societies on earth. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.Developing an education infrastrucure requires investment by the state.''??

assalam alaikum...partley he is right, and that is that being closer to religion does not mean that we will have higher scientific achievement . That depends on how hard we work in the geven scientific field but we muslims never see appart science from our belief (Islam).Our confesion (Islam) was never reason for our stagnation in science but rather was our passivity(inactivity) and here he your speaking partner is right that STATES in muslims countrys were not investing enough in developing infrastructure for scientific research...assalam alaikum


Junior Member
we are behind because we refuse to participate, we confine ourselves in mosques and our houses while our enemies are increasing the gap so that we can beg everything from them.


A Believer In Heart

yesterday i was discussing with a person about current state of muslims and that we are so far away in every field of science and education because we are away from Quran and Sunnah , but he didnt agree and asked me a question

he said ''Do you think being closer to religion brings you greater educational attainment? If that were the case, than countries like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark would be the most religious societies on earth. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.Developing an education infrastrucure requires investment by the state.''??


He is right being closer to the religion is not going to bring you greater educational attainment but it does make easier on your education. When you are closer to your religion everything your life is/becames easier. You have the faith that everything happens for reason and that if you work hard there is alway a buy back. Being closer to your religion is helps you but you have to work hard.

the Light

New Member
Slaam Allykum to all .
let us use for the logic sanse to answer this question.
first the islam religion does not ask you to be in the masjid for 24/7 infact you need to work for your life as wish as long as its not going againest the religion rules and regulation . another hadith that saying the strong muslim is more better then weak muslim so what we see clear here is that a muslim should work for his life as he work for his second life. so the religion been againes human development but human wanted to follow his desire and here is when the clash come between the religion and modernity.which by the name of modernity the value been destroyed.


New Member

He is right being closer to the religion is not going to bring you greater educational attainment but it does make easier on your education. When you are closer to your religion everything your life is/becames easier. You have the faith that everything happens for reason and that if you work hard there is alway a buy back. Being closer to your religion is helps you but you have to work hard.
It does man because , there is no option that you have to be religious or not, in islam its fard , you have to be religious, islam is not only about praying 5 times etc, it is a complete religion, a way of life, there is not even a single religion in this world which stresses more upon education than islam, you and he say that there must b investment in educational sector , this is wat islam told us 1400 years agao, so indirectly you are following islam by investing money, i challenge all da muslims, that without following quran and ahadis, you will never be successful

so when you are closer to religion, you follow ahadis and Quran , you will invest money in education.....


Junior Member
well, since we r not on islam, we are not in any thing. We dont have deen nor duniya. we are lying in the middle

sweden , norway and other western nations have no doubt progressed along by putting church aside BUT

This benefit was not long term. they dont have ppl to work now. They are relying on Asians like pakistanis etc to work for them.

Their youth has been led astray and now even the POPE is saying that we shud promote marriage between the couples.

During the golden muslim rule, e.g. in andalus, every one was a good muslim at least in his dressings and rituals . Every one was used to wear turban. Actually, they looked more like Nabi (SAW).ALLAH gave them respect and wealth. And we all know wat muslims did for the modern sciences in andalus.

i hope u got my point


New Member
Following Islam dose not guarantee success in this life, in fact following Islam will make this life even harder. When we believe in Allah and his messengers, we follow everything in the Quran and the Sunah of Prophet Muhammed (SAW) and learn from the people before us. We have to be honest, trustworthy, kind, fair..etc. This thing are hard to follow, and people around us might start hating us because we want to do every thing the right way. The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and then scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Ressurection; for Allah bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will. (Al-Baqara 2:212)
This life is a test for us and Allah knows best how he has tested us. The test of Allah is so easy, he gave us the answer in the Quran and the Sunah of Prophet Muhammed (SAW) in order to pass this test. And Allah gives non believer everything for their good deeds in this life, so they have nothing left in the after life for their good deeds they have done. But for believer Allah puts him through difficult test and gives him at the end of test.
The reward of after life is much greater then of this life, this life is like blink of an eye compare to after life. Again and again in the Quran and the Sunah we see the import of good qualities. As a Muslim we are example for the rest of the world. "O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah as just witnesses; and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety." (5:8). Allah dose not wrong any one, but we wrong our self. And if we really follow the Sunah and the Quran, then yes we Muslim will be the best at everything. Anyone who looks after and works for a widow and a poor person is like a warrior fighting for Allah's cause or like a person who fasts during the day and prays all night. Live this life like you will die tomorrow and plan for it like you will live forever. If some one dose the same thing he did the day b4, he has wasted the entire day(We have to learn something new every single day). And their are many more Sunah that if all the Muslim follow, we will be at top again.
yea may be there is not a material success , but other success is alwayz there, like people who follow Quran and ahadis, alwayz r known in this world even after their death ,like Propet pbuh and campanions etc,
and we we top of da world only because we were closer to Islam and Which Allah really likes