Cannot trust my husband...many reasons


New Member
Assalamu alaikom. I reverted to Islam in August 2003 and also married an arabic muslim at the same time. Since then I have made many changes for myself as a Muslim (alhamdililah), but also for our marriage to adjust to his culture. Well he has broken my trust in regards to girls several times. More than just looking at bad photos on the internet! He has text messaged private things to girls, taken pictures of them with underwear on his motorcycle (to sell it!), and set up myspace to meet "cute girls". We have been married FIVE YEARS and have TWO girls. He as a serious problem and I do not know how to deal with being married to him. I have prayed for him for many years and he still has not changed. In May he photographed a girl on a motorcycle and I threatened to leave him bc I want a religious husband, not someone is not afraid of Allah. Then only 3 weeks ago he did the SAME thing with another girl!! He swears he never touched them, but how I can ever trust him after everthing he puts me through???? I went to the mosque and talked to a Sheykh. He said my husband needs advice, but my husband is too embarassed to talk to him. He told me its up to me to be patient with him....Can anyone give me some advice, please???


New Member
something else

He does not pray and I have begged him to start and to read Quran with me as I am a revert to Islam. ITs hard for me to struggle by myself while my husband has no care for our religion and gives me no chance to have faith that he will change. I do love him and he claims to love me, but how is that real when he has never made ANY changes except got worse in five years?


Junior Member


Junior Member
The Inner Power

Intention is the first step in the rational method of developing our innate power of free will, because it is intimately related to our freedom of choice and action and as such forms the very basis of our accountability. Intention is an inner power that abhors imposition of any limitation on its freedom.

One's intention is an integral part of one's life and no other man, however powerful, has any power whatsoever over another person's intention. The last resort of a Muslim when he is overwhelmed by difficulties is to save himself from the displeasure of Allah, the Exalted, by submitting his every intention to Allah.

In a sound hadith we read that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Whoever among you sees an evil should try to change it with his hands. If he is not able to do so, then with his tongue, and if he is unable to do even that, then with his heart, and this is the weakest form of faith." [Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Majah]

By understanding and following this psychological or inner mode of behaviour, a Muslim is able to achieve two things. He can:

1) Hold fast to the strong unbreakable rope of Allah, and
2) Preserve his freedom of choice and abide by MUSLIM beliefs.


Junior Member
Waters of Divine Knowledge

What is the origin or source of a sense of "universal goodness" or "universal truth" in an individual? If it is true that God created human beings with an innate sense of right and wrong (fitra), it is also true that the Quran and the Sunna teach that this inner sense can be corrupted by persisting in sin, and that one can easily be led astray by one's selfish desires. It is for this reason that revelation is a theological necessity - to help guide us back to what is right. But how do we attain a true understanding of revelation if we are already emotionally and spiritually wounded people?

If we reflect upon the story of Hajar (wife of Abraham, peace be upon them) we find a way out of this dilemma. The spiritual matriarch of Islam shows us that we must first trust in God, and then struggle, using all means God has given us, to find the pure waters of Divine knowledge. Hajar found the holy water only because she was confident that God would provide for her, and then exerted all her energy and resources to find her provisions.

Thus, in the first place, we must use all the intellectual resources God has given us to attempt to understand the true meaning of the Quran. God gave Hajar two legs which she used to run back and forth between the mountains, and two eyes with which she looked for a source of water. God gave Muslims, individually and collectively, sight, hearing, and intellect to put at the service of studying the linguistic and historical context of the Quran. It is impossible for any one individual to master all these aspects of Quranic learning, even in a lifetime of study. A serious effort to understand the Quran, therefore, necessarily includes a deep engagement with the extensive scholarly tradition of Islam.

The second necessary condition for understanding revelation is the proper intention - to sincerely wish to be guided by God. This does not mean that non-Muslims and even atheists cannot contribute to the factual body of knowledge useful to contextualizing the Quran; but you cannot attain what you do not set out to find. The meaning of the revelation can only be accessed by those who believe that ultimate meaning is beyond the limited understanding of any human being and who sincerely turn to the Quran for the purpose of finding that meaning. However, attaining the state of humility that is characteristic of a sincere intention is not easy. How many individuals are confident of the purity of their intentions and the soundness of their hearts, yet clearly are deceiving themselves?

Compiled From:



Junior Member
:salam2: sister i feel you should recite the The prayer of Taif.
"O Allah! I complain to You of my weakness, my scarcity of resources and the humiliation I have been subjected to by the people. O Most Merciful of those who are merciful. O Lord of the weak and my Lord too. To whom have you entrusted me?

To a distant person who receives me with hostility? Or to an enemy to whom you have granted authority over my affair? So long as You are not angry with me, I do not care. Your favor is of a more expansive relief to me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or Your displeasure descends upon me. I desire Your pleasure and satisfaction until You are pleased.
There is no power and no might except by You."

Allahuma iny ashku ilayka dhafa quaty, wa qillata hilaty, wa hawany alla nas, anta rabul mustadaafeen, wa anta raby, ila man takilny, ila baeedin yatahajamuny, am ila adwin malaktahu amry, in lam yakun bika ghadabun alay , fla ubaly, wa lakin afiyatuka awsau nim zunuby , auuzu binury wajhek alazy ashraqat lahu zulumat, wa salah alayhi halul dunya wal akhyra min an yanzila alaya ghadabuk, aw yahilu bee sakhtuk ,laka utba hatta tardha wa la hawla wa la quata illa bik
Offer 2 rakat and then recite this dua. May Allah protect you always from harm. I am ashamed that a muslim is doing such deeds. May Allah guide him to the right path and may he not loose a pure soul like you.


Junior Member

salam alikoum,
that is a really serious problem, we ask allah swt to find you a relief from it, ameen, my advie to you is to call your parents and his parents and speak seriouselly about this problem, or send him his parents to give him advices, he may feel ashame in front of them.
another way, try to further the message to his friends, and ask them to advise him. because there are people who can accept the advices of their beloved friends more the advices of the others.
keep asking allah to find you an isue from this unfaithfull husband.
wa salama alikoum


Allah will decide
It may sound silly but....

IGNORE HIM. Don't beg, don't say anything, don't even bring it up. Keep your faith, make dua for strength, perseverance and that in sha allah, he will wake up.

Ignoring him, can take the "fun" out of it. Shaytan has gotten to you through him, by making things miserable on you. If Shaytan keeps him all wrapped up in haram, it drives you crazy too. He gets two kudos with one punch so to speak.

If you see him doing things, just say hmmm that's nice, and let it go. It will get him to wondering why all of a sudden you aren't pleading. It is like reverse psychology.

If that doesn't work after a time, (and you must be patient,) speak with his mother if you have a good relationship with her and ask her for advice. Don't put him down, but tell her you are worried about him and why. She should be able to help you.

Also, don't let this put a bad taste in your mouth about Muslim Men. Some stay on the straight path, others veer off, but if he was devout in the past? He should come back with sincere repentance. In sha allah, and be even better in his faith and following.

As for what you are going through, I understand, keep yourself strong.
Keep praying, keep the faith, and alhumdulilah all will be ok.


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

May Allah help you.

In a sound hadith we read that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Whoever among you sees an evil should try to change it with his hands. If he is not able to do so, then with his tongue, and if he is unable to do even that, then with his heart, and this is the weakest form of faith." [Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Majah]

Take care and take the advice in this hadieth.

Wassalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



Left long ago
Asslam u Alaikum Sister,

I am really sad after reading this thread. This is certainly a test for you. May Allah help you and make your husband a pious Muslim, a true believer and the one who fears Allah and give him strength of Ieman.

Take care of yourself sister,


Junior Member
Asslam u Alaikum Sister

My thoughts on this are some what strange I know but I am a firm beleiver that some men do not grow up (brothers no offence intended) and I call this behaviour naughty boy syndrome. In England pictures/magazines etc are everywhere and some of the Ads at night on TV are very bad and some what pathetic to me but these images sell to men.
The more a women nags or complains the more exciting it becomes to be naughty for them.(in my opinion).
My advise is to be strong and pray to ALLAH(swt) for strength and guidance. Do no condone his actions but be quiet about it and hopefully he will lose interest. At the end of the day you are not at fault here and I know it can be upsetting as well as feeling like a betrayal but these women/girls are been used and have no respect from your husband like you do. Stay strong and right and with time and prayer I am sure the situation will be solved.

Take Care and concentrate on what is right


New Member
May Allah Strenthen you further


Sister I pray that Allah swt ease your affairs, it saddens me that your husband is like this. Mashallah you have been given the true Iman to deal with this issue inshallah.

Please try try to encourage your husband to further study the life of Rasullah (saw) and find out THAT truely there is protection (from satan) is every action that we do in our daily lives, that's why Alhamdillah there is a Dua for almost everything, because he (Saw) lived to show us the righteous way. I know you know that but he seems to have lost that.....

Being surronded by Kuffer all around us is no excuse to indulge in the acts which we are encouraged to pursue. I would suggest you have a serious one-one with your husband and get a reality check as to how this is affecting you so negetively and if he cares the SLIGHTEST Bit about YOU and your KIDS then he will acknowledge the problem and work to resolve it.....otherwise he will evintually LOSE a most wonderful gift that can be given to any man in this DUNYA which is a good pious wife....

You have already talked to a shaykh and he's a ashamed of WHAT a Shaykh will tell him????? He should be Ashamed of Allah first then he can worry about what man thinks about him.

May Allah strengthen all our UMMAH to fulfill our true obligations to him

Sorry if I said anything that might upset you


Servant of Allah
IGNORE HIM. Don't beg, don't say anything, don't even bring it up. Keep your faith, make dua for strength, perseverance and that in sha allah, he will wake up.

Ignoring him, can take the "fun" out of it. Shaytan has gotten to you through him, by making things miserable on you. If Shaytan keeps him all wrapped up in haram, it drives you crazy too. He gets two kudos with one punch so to speak.

If you see him doing things, just say hmmm that's nice, and let it go. It will get him to wondering why all of a sudden you aren't pleading. It is like reverse psychology.

If that doesn't work after a time, (and you must be patient,) speak with his mother if you have a good relationship with her and ask her for advice. Don't put him down, but tell her you are worried about him and why. She should be able to help you.

Also, don't let this put a bad taste in your mouth about Muslim Men. Some stay on the straight path, others veer off, but if he was devout in the past? He should come back with sincere repentance. In sha allah, and be even better in his faith and following.

As for what you are going through, I understand, keep yourself strong.
Keep praying, keep the faith, and alhumdulilah all will be ok.

sister she really can't ignore the problem and just turn away. she's at risk and so are her children. and besides what about when it comes to sex? the man doesn't pray and a woman should refuse her husband in this case when he asks for sex, because he has cut relations with Allah. so it is a huge problem that cannot be ignored. :astag:



As a husband myself, I feel ashamed too to what you are going through. The best way for him to change is to admit that he has a problem and that he is willing to change. Living in this modern time is not easy especially when the internet is misuse to gain forbidden pleasure.

Even I find it difficult to not visit those site. I feel your pain & take your difficulties as an example to how to treat my wife better.

Insha'allah, I will make Dua for both of you and please be patient for the sake of Allah and your children. Divorce is not an option unless he abuse you physically. It is Shaitan doing to try to tear married couple apart.

My late father had two wives. My late mother was the first wife & i grew up seeing my mother in tears but she stood strong for us. My parents did not divorce and thing turn out pretty ok for us.

Believe in Allah and keep asking for his guidance and help.
However, on your part you have to communicate with him and find out why he is doing these things.

Hope this help. Forgive me if i had offended you in anyway.


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Asslam u Alaikum Sister

My thoughts on this are some what strange I know but I am a firm beleiver that some men do not grow up (brothers no offence intended) and I call this behaviour naughty boy syndrome. In England pictures/magazines etc are everywhere and some of the Ads at night on TV are very bad and some what pathetic to me but these images sell to men.
The more a women nags or complains the more exciting it becomes to be naughty for them.(in my opinion).
My advise is to be strong and pray to ALLAH(swt) for strength and guidance. Do no condone his actions but be quiet about it and hopefully he will lose interest. At the end of the day you are not at fault here and I know it can be upsetting as well as feeling like a betrayal but these women/girls are been used and have no respect from your husband like you do. Stay strong and right and with time and prayer I am sure the situation will be solved.

Take Care and concentrate on what is right

Don't worry sister I'm not offended by what your saying. I agree with you. Men are SO stupid. :mad: You know what, they aren't even men.

But it's not fair that I'm blaming this on ALL men, because even the Sahabi were men, and no matter HOW strong or handsome they could've been, they were dutiful to their wife.

And there ARE actually Muslim husbands out there that Love thier wife (and not someone like Hurl Yeen.

But anyway, sister, I think that you should do 2 Rakah Nafl (Tahajudd, like at 2-3 in the morning), and ask Allah Ta Alla to help you with your problem, and make to happen to be what HE feels is best, whether that is if you get married again or he stops acting like a dog. And whenever I really need something important to me (like going to Masjid on Friday for Esha till midnight), I always make this uda:

"Rabbanaa, Wa Seght Tha Qoola Shay Ew Rahmatowww, Wa Ilmah! Rabbana Wa Seght Tha Qoola Shay Ew Rahmatowww, Wa Ilma!

Rabbana, Ithenah Milladunnn-Ka Rahmatoww- Wa Hayitlanaa Min Amrenaa Rashahdah,"

I can't explain perfectly the meaning of the first sentence, but it's close to meaning, "Our Lord, you are full of Knowledge and Wisdom," and the second sentence means, "Our Lord! Have your Mercy on us and Settle our affairs the right way!"

And really SPEAK to Allah Ta Alla sister, feel like as if you can see him (if you feel his presence in your mind, you see light. just letting you know......), and also when you've asked Allah Ta Alla what you want, then say to him that you KNOW that he will make things change, because in Truth, His Arsh (Throne) extends over the Heavens and the Earth, and he is the Majestic and Beautiful, and he Rules over all that he has created, and also SAY it in your heart that you have trusted him, and that you do not place any doubt upon him, and say that over and over again until you've convinced yourself that you have no doubt in your Lord, and then finish off your dua. And also remember sister, it WILL take time for things to change, but TRUST me, do NOT be hasty about wanting the change to happen quickly, because Allah Ta Alla doesn't like it when people are too hasty in getting what they want, so remember to stay patient sister, and also Shaytaan will keep on saying to you in your head, "He's STILL doing those things, (meaning that you can see that his "secret" habit is still continuing)," but always say to yourself (and also when you see that he's in more and more instances with girls), "I have kept my trust in my Lord," and also BELEIVE in this with your heart. Also whenever something bad or upsetting happens, you should say "Alhamdulillah," or if you want to say it in words that come from your heart, then basically say, "Praise be to Allah," (and you can extend it if you want), because TRUST me sister, it makes you stop feeling upset or angry after you say this, but remember, it HAS to be with Eman, from the heart.

But I'll also make dua for you sister, If Allah Ta Alla wills. But remember to stay patient, and also think of the great blessings of your Lord, like for you and me, coming back to Islam, and also that Allah Ta Alla has saved us from Ignorance and Evil, and Wallahi, when I remember the second one (because I use to have a Fitnah problem last year in Public School, you understand), it starts making tears come from my eyes, because I understand how much my Lord Loves me, and that's why he's saved me from the Slope of the Darkness that I slipped on, and that's why he's perserved me and protected me (especially my psycological health, because after Allah Ta Alla accepted my dua and made me steadfast, whenever I remembered the evil things I would do (not lowering the gaze), or when I would feel the Fitnah and evil around me, I would feel like as if I'm losing my conciousness, and my body starts feeling heave on the floor and I start weeping extremely out of sadness for all the evil that I'd done, and most of all, because those things reminded how much I had betrayed my Lord, who always loved me and comforted me, and who I Love more than ANYONE else), and so that is why today I want to follow all the Sunnahs of Rasulallah (SAW) and be EXTREMELY Pious and Steadfast (Like the Salaf As Salih, the ancestors of Islam, the Predecessors), not for Jannah or to be saved from Jahanam, but because I want to Please my Lord, and I want to live a long good life so that I could do as much Ebadah as I can because it will be the greatest thing that I will miss when I leave this Duniyah..... But remember to do a LOT of Nafl Ebadah sister, because:

Abu Huraira Radhiallahu ‘anhu narrated that Allah’s Messenger Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa Salam said that Allah said: “I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of mine And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My worshipper keeps on coming closer to Me through perfoming Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is (obligatory) till I love him, then I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hands with which he grips, and his legs with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My Protection (Refuge), I will Protect him.”

Narrated by Al-Bukhari

And To Allah Ta Alla belongs all Praise.

Assalamu Alykum Warahmatullahe Wabarakaathuh dear sister, may Allah Ta Alla shower his Love, Mercy, and Beauty on all of you who want to be Pious and Steadfast, and may he make you all to have soft gentle hearts, with a soft and gentle character, Ameen Ya Zal Jalaaly Wal Ekraam!

Surah Ghafir (Qari Salman Al Utaybi)


Surah Kahf (Sheikh Emad Al Mansary)



Junior Member
Mashallah Abdul Hsib, what very wise words you've offered.

You've received some very good advice and surely many of us are praying dua for you. You mentioned you ahve two daughters, I would point out to your husband that the women he is victimizing are also someone's daughters. And how would he feel if someone were doing to them what he is doing to these women?

The fact that he has enough of a conscious left to be embarrassed in front of a shaeik is a good sign. There is still hope yet. I don't think this should be ignored because this could easily get out of hand and become escalated. People tend to ramp up unhealthy sexual behavior over time so this should be addressed frankly and directly. Bringing parents into the picture may be your best option at this point. I am sorry you are suffering through this trial and may Allah swt bless you for your struggles.




Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
Sorry to say that sister but you deserve something much better...
If it were me I would divorce such a man and forget ...
He does not deserve you .I hate such men ,im sorry...

waaleikum salam