Changes in attire

Aneesa Khan

Junior Member
I am right now secret revert and do prayers 5 times. I have learnt prayers from the internet and audio files and I am able to complete it quite fluently now.
We have not told to any one except my one muslim childhood friend who is also my guide now. I need some ideas on making changes in my appearance slowly to look more islamic ourwordly without raising suspicion of my family and other friends. I have started draping my dupatta over the head most of the time and no more use bindi or religious jewellery. My husband has bought for me a nice allah pendant which also is very subtle and easily cant be made out as allah pendant. Any other ideas from my sisters here?


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum sister

I am happy for you mashallah. You do good until now, alhamdullilah. Do not worry to much about what others say, remember that you are on the right religion and on the right path. Slowly things will fall into place more and more.
May Allah guide you and your housband always, ameen.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaykum sister Aneesah,

Welcome to Islam and to TTI. May Allah make your journey easy.
allah pendant
This is not something that you've to wear sister---in fact some people consider wearing such a thing an innovation. Allaah can and will protect you whether you wear a pendant that says "Allah" on it or not. I know you're new to this religion and way of life---take it easily. What is inside your heart is what is important at the moment---wearing your faith (looking like a Muslim) will come in time inshaAllah. When your heart is ready and when the circumstance allow you. Take baby steps and Allaah will forever guide you to His way.

Aneesa Khan

Junior Member
All around seeing people in very distinct attire and trying to look more and more islamic, I had misconception in my mind it is a must to dress like everyone is doing.
I think it needs to be taught to those people in a race to look too much like each other to stop that race and be natural looking.
Assalaamu alaykum sister Aneesah,

Welcome to Islam and to TTI. May Allah make your journey easy.
This is not something that you've to wear sister---in fact some people consider wearing such a thing an innovation. Allaah can and will protect you whether you wear a pendant that says "Allah" on it or not. I know you're new to this religion and way of life---take it easily. What is inside your heart is what is important at the moment---wearing your faith (looking like a Muslim) will come in time inshaAllah. When your heart is ready and when the circumstance allow you. Take baby steps and Allaah will forever guide you to His way.


Junior Member
What Islam requires for women is to cover everything except face and hands. It has to be loose, not transparent, not similar to men or nonMuslims etc. That's what's required. How you fulfill these requirements is not specified, and may depend on culture.


احبك ىارب
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah

Masha' Allah nice to hear that you are trying your best to know, learn and practise our deen....Alhamdulilla

And yea i also totally agree with what sister IHearIslam said........

He (Prophet Muhammad) said:
“Verily Allah does not look to your bodies nor to your faces but He looks to your hearts.”
(Sahih Muslim: Book 32, Number 6220)

In just next hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said almost the same like above (Sahih Muslim: Book 32, Number 6221)
“Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) as saying: “Verily Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth but He looks to your heart and to your deeds.”

so sister itz not important to wear a pendant says "Allah" but what is important is how much you know about your Creator, His signs and the love,care and protection He have for His creation.

Ya since you are new to this true religion step by step slowly slowly you will learn more about islam. inshaAllah
May Allah make it easy for you.

Abû Hurayrah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said “This religion is easy. No one becomes harsh and strict in the religion without it overwhelming him. So fulfill your duties as best you can and rejoice. Rely upon the efforts of the morning and the evening and a little at night and you will reach your goal.” [Sahîh al-Bukharî]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) says: “This religion is easy.” Ease is moderation. So our religion is moderate and we as a nation of people are moderate.

Allah says: “Thus We have made you a moderate nation”. [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 143]

No worries take it easily and try hard to keep on the right track in which Allah guided you and put your complete trust on Allah.....inshaAllah surely He will guide and protect you and your partner

But a small advice, sister try your maximum to cover all your body parts except face and hand so that your obedience to Allah is shown in your attire.

But sister,wouldnt it be better if you could let your families know that you accepted islam, the true religion (sorry i dunno what difficulties you facing) but just asked thinking so that you both can live comfortably and peacefully by obeying Allah and His Messenger.

May Allah make your path easy and May He help you to be steadfast in deen-ul islam
Ya Allah help us to learn and know more about our deen in the same way our beloved phrophet(saw) taught the mankind. Ameen ya samee' ud duaa

fee ammaillah

Aneesa Khan

Junior Member
I think except in fashion industry all the women use full clothes, but may not be all the while draping every area of body. Somethimes it is practicable for using such clothes in specific profession and allah also does not specify importance of clothes as someon has already written.


Assalaam alaikum,

First, Mubark on the reversion. May Allah make it easy for you.

Now, we do have to change our attire. We have to dress in an Islamic manner. There are a hundred threads on TTI about this. Please take the time and read some of them.

I live in the West and I have noticed that the sisters from the subcontinent do not cover. It is a shame the way they come to the masjid. I have been screaming for halaqas to teach them. They wear no outer garments and often the outfits they wear are inappropriate to pray in. And that is what I am focusing on. If nothing else please purchase a prayer outfit. Our Arab and East Asian sisters have wonderful garments. The length of the sleeve is important when you pray. We can not have our hair showing. And when we prostrate we must be mindful of our modesty. Often the fancy and bejeweled duppatas do not cover properly. We are praying and not showing our wardrobe.

I am using your questions to address an issue that we often skip. Thank you for allowing me to write.

Aneesa Khan

Junior Member
Aapa, very true. I also hold the same view so my attire is not deviant at all.
Being from India makes some difference.
Aapa can you give me some guidance on which suras I should memorize first?
I did al fatiha and ayat al kursi.


Assalaam alaikum,

Start with the simple ones: Ikhlas, Falaq, Nas, Kafiroun. They are what get us through the day. And Alaq always reduces me to tears.