Clarificaton please- Shirk


New Member
salaams All
Today i was watching a programme on shirk on an islamic channel and by the end of it was left very much so confused on the subject of shirk! one angle that was presented was that somewhere in the quran and in sahih hadith it says that all muslims would be protected from shirk and that as muslims we should not worry about it!!!!!!!! but i always thought that shirk was something that even a muslim could fall prey off, especially someone with weak emaan and a lack of knowledge - i understand shirk is the association of partners with the Al'mighty and that shirk takes you out of the fold of islam. Please can someone clarify whether a muslim could fall in to the bounds of shirk.
Sometimes i really worry when people with a lack of knowledge present deen programmes which are viewed by people like myself who also lack knowledge and will accept what the presenters are saying as true because they are muslims.
I make dua that Allah SWT gives us the strength to distinguish the truth from the false, the right from the wrong. :tti_sister:


Junior Member

You are right, by no means these shows are representative of the scholars. What I suggest, read some books and fatwas of scholars on the subject. here is a link you will find many works of scholars translated in english:

Of course, if you can read arabic that would be better. As for muslims doing shirk, that depends on what is described that is a muslim. That can only be obtained through knowing tawheed. Of course, only Allah knows who is a muslim or not, we can only judge by what we see and their behavior. A muslim name can be deceiving at times too.

So leave it for Allah to judge and make sure you are very knowledgeable about tawheed to avoid shirk.

A person can't be a muslim if he or she knowingly ascribes partners to Allah. There maybe muslims unknowingly doing that and that is why knowing tawheed is vitally important for the actions to lead to paradise and avoid punsihment in hell-fire.
