Confused about something


Art is my Expression

I have a question about the development of Human Beings. Science explains that Human Beings came about through the process of Evolution while Islam and Christianity explains that Humans came from Adam and Eve. In both Islam and Christianity Humans have descented from Adam and Eve, because they both were the first ever Human Beings in Earth to be created by God. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

Here is my question:

It's a clear scientific evidence that if a man were to marry his blood sister, the child will have birth defects or genetic disorder due to the mixing of the same gene.

If Adam and Eve were the first Human Beings of the world and we descented from them, then that means that the first set of children of Adam and Eve would've had to mate one another in order for them to give birth to the next generation. That being said, the life span of Human Beings would not only be shorter, but the chances of getting a genetic disorder would be increased a great amount due to the take over of the dominant gene that carries the disease. With the ongoing shortage of lifespan, Humans wouldn't have survived as long as we have.

However, that doesnt seem to be the case today. Though in some parts of the world people still marry and mate with the same blood siblings, for the most part, we are free of the genetic disorder today which I described above because the same blood mating is great taboo.

Also I believe in Islam, it's taboo to marry your own blood sibling for religious reasons. I'm not 100% sure about it, but I'm most certain it is.

So I'm just wondering, with the scientific evidence excluding the existence of Adam and Eve, because of the reasons I stated above, and also perhaps with Islam forbidding the mating of the same blood, how does Islam explain the concept of Human descendence?

Thank You in advance



Junior Member

I won't be much help because i've always wondered the same thing. Great question, thanks for asking and hopefully someone can answer :)

Staff member
I really doubt if there is proof about genetic defects in offsrprings of the blood related parents...

In my humble opinion, the basic message of Islamm that is Tawheed(Islamic montheism), Risaalah(Meseenger), Aakhira (herefater) etc were all same for all the Prophets.

But, shariah (rules and regulations of day to day life) have been changed by ALLAH SWT as and when required according to needs of the people at that time.

Prohibition of marrying the blood relatives is part of the shariah of Muhammad SAWS and also other Prophets who came after Adam AHS (atleast Eesa, Musa AHS)

Assuming that Shariah that Prophet Muhammad SAWS was given MUST be the same as that of Adam AHS might not be true...AllahuAa'lam!


Junior Member
science does not explain is a theory which is backed by has not been proven and never can be...actually,it has been proven that the theory is wrong and evolutionist can not answer certain questions and they want everybody believe in and accept it as a,if this is science,thanks,i won't take it.
secondly,as u know,every muslim must believe in what is written in the is clearly stated in it that Allah(c.c.) created Adam(a.s.) from mud and Eve from Adam's,evolution is not call it science it is just a tool for disbelievers to hang onto..
however,as far as i know it is not written in the Quran how children of Adam and Eve are mated.but don't worry about such things as you know if Allah(c.c.) wishes something he just says "BE" and it is.having said that again as far as i know, according to some might be weak hadis,Eve gave birth to twins one boy and one girl everytime and only different twins could mary.After children of Adam and Eve Allah(c.c) forbid these sort of marriages.someone correct me if i am wrong.


Junior Member

Glad to hear that you have known how the evolution theory is not only proven to be a thrash but also admitted to be false an the highest lie of the century by it's proponents.
Your question regarding incest. It is difficult for science to explain many phenomenon however, it's known that the size of the present human beings is just a fraction of the size of adam same applies to the life span of the preceding generations. this being so and the fact that human life span keeps decreasing may explain some of your confusions. It should be noted that ours is to do our best toward not only better tomorrow but brighter today.

Faisal_01; said:

I have a question about the development of Human Beings. Science explains that Human Beings came about through the process of Evolution while Islam and Christianity explains that Humans came from Adam and Eve. In both Islam and Christianity Humans have descented from Adam and Eve, because they both were the first ever Human Beings in Earth to be created by God. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

Here is my question:

It's a clear scientific evidence that if a man were to marry his blood sister, the child will have birth defects or genetic disorder due to the mixing of the same gene.

If Adam and Eve were the first Human Beings of the world and we descented from them, then that means that the first set of children of Adam and Eve would've had to mate one another in order for them to give birth to the next generation. That being said, the life span of Human Beings would not only be shorter, but the chances of getting a genetic disorder would be increased a great amount due to the take over of the dominant gene that carries the disease. With the ongoing shortage of lifespan, Humans wouldn't have survived as long as we have.

However, that doesnt seem to be the case today. Though in some parts of the world people still marry and mate with the same blood siblings, for the most part, we are free of the genetic disorder today which I described above because the same blood mating is great taboo.

Also I believe in Islam, it's taboo to marry your own blood sibling for religious reasons. I'm not 100% sure about it, but I'm most certain it is.

So I'm just wondering, with the scientific evidence excluding the existence of Adam and Eve, because of the reasons I stated above, and also perhaps with Islam forbidding the mating of the same blood, how does Islam explain the concept of Human descendence?

Thank You in advance



Junior Member
Besm Allah,

Dear Brother and sister,
First of all, there is no contradiction between science and Isalm.

The truth is that our mother Eve gave birth to too many children. Each time she gave birth to a twin: a boy and girl. The twin were not allowed to marry each other. But, each one of the twin can marry each one of the other twin.

By the way, this is exactly why Caïn killed his brother Abel. Caïn wants to marry his twin sister and since that wasn't allowed he feels very jalous from Abel.

This is what I have found on an old book.

Staff member
As Salaam Alaykum Akhee,

Attached Book "Stories of the Prophets" by Ibn Kathir which has authentic info about Adam (AHS).


  • stories of the prophets.pdf
    2.5 MB · Views: 11


Junior Member
I have a major in biological sciences so i will try to attempt to answer you scientifically. First and foremost, we reject the theory of evolution because we dont not believe that complex organisms come into existence through random events, even a bacteria cell which is often referred to as simple life, is in reality extremely complex in terms of cell architecture. Since we believe the mircro and macrouniverse is complex and exhibits design; these are 2 hallmarks of a designer/intelligence at play and hence a creator who we reffer to as god.

Scientifcally speaking the ageing process is ultimately determined by 1) DNA ie programmed cell death 2) Stochastic effects ie wear/tear of body by chemical processes over a lifetime. These 2 major theories have been put forth to explain why we have a limited lifespan. Genetic abnormalities can affect lifespan and can either increase/decrease it however it is not the only influence, your environment, ie diet and disease also has a significant role. And not all genetic diseases are dominant in manifestating in the phenotype; you might only be a carrier so the disease wont manifest until a later generation, this means it would not affect your lifespan at all. Also the chances of getting a genetic disease occurs more through incest hence it was only permitted in the first instances so that mankind could start off, after which the cousins marriages were made ie abel/cain story, this in reality helped to reduce genetic abnormalities from existing in the phenotype but let it exist through the genotype hence, we still have rare genetic diseases.

So first point, human being lifespan is not totally determined by genetic abnormalities, you may inherit good genes, or only be carriers of bad ones, hence many cousin marriages result in normal children which would only be carriers that may later manifest through repeated cousin marriages. Also diet and environment has a great affect on lifespan.

2nd point, the chance of obtaining a genetic disease is actually very rare, it does increase if there is incest and repeated long histories of cousin marriages, however in reality incest was not widespread in the first generations of mankind, eg even the first set of twins, were suppose to be married off to their opposite partners, also incest has always been haraam, it only took place initially as a necessity in order to kick off mankind, hence after that was made haram early on. However if incest was done repeatedly for many centuries then it would have contributed (not completely) to reducing lifespan and increasing the frequency of genetic disease.

You said we are 'free of the genetic disorde today' -i dont know which specific abnormality you are refering to, however it is a establish fact that if you reproduce with your immediate sibling/mother then this greatly increases genetic abnormalities from manifesting, simply because everyones dna has got good/bad genes, but often the bad genes come in pairs, so if your blueprint contains codes for same bad genes as another ie with your mother/sibling its likly to be 100x more compared to a non-relative, then obviously this will lead to genetic defects and reduced lifespan, many cases the fetus isnt even viable. With 1st cousin marriages the risk is around 4-5%, if both your grandparents or one of them has a defect, then u wud be carriers, hence your child has a higher than average risk of getting the defect. This probability risks increaes with 2nd/3rd/4th generation cousin marriages.

In Islam incest is prohibited completely. Obviously we now have todays science toback it up, ie not only is it socially wrong/deviant as it destroys the rights of newborns and social dynamics but it is also biologically harmful. Without cousin marriage, the risk is only 3-5% which isnt much at all, ie you could marry someone who wasnt your cousin and still get a genetic diseased offspring, so cousin marriages isnt haram. However there is a weak hadith of Umar that he said, you should marry from afar as its better.

So 3rd point, the issue isnt abt being taboo or not, its whether its haram or not, incest is haram, logic/science backs it up, cousin marriages is halal however it is optional, and there is evidence to make it a less preferred choice however this doesnt make it haram.

in conclusion we believe god created the first man/woman, incest was initially allowed for mankind toproceed forwards, after this incest was made haram, lifespans are affected from a number of reasons, genetics only plays one major part, disease, war, famine, diet, food, fetal nutrition is another theory, all have their influence. Hope this answers your question.


Junior Member
Besm Allah,
Assalamou Alikom Wa Rahmatou Allah,

Thank you Brother Abubaseer, your pdf file confirm (page 16) what I have said erlier.


Junior Member

I have a question about the development of Human Beings. Science explains that Human Beings came about through the process of Evolution while Islam and Christianity explains that Humans came from Adam and Eve. In both Islam and Christianity Humans have descented from Adam and Eve, because they both were the first ever Human Beings in Earth to be created by God. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

Here is my question:

It's a clear scientific evidence that if a man were to marry his blood sister, the child will have birth defects or genetic disorder due to the mixing of the same gene.

If Adam and Eve were the first Human Beings of the world and we descented from them, then that means that the first set of children of Adam and Eve would've had to mate one another in order for them to give birth to the next generation. That being said, the life span of Human Beings would not only be shorter, but the chances of getting a genetic disorder would be increased a great amount due to the take over of the dominant gene that carries the disease. With the ongoing shortage of lifespan, Humans wouldn't have survived as long as we have.

However, that doesnt seem to be the case today. Though in some parts of the world people still marry and mate with the same blood siblings, for the most part, we are free of the genetic disorder today which I described above because the same blood mating is great taboo.

Also I believe in Islam, it's taboo to marry your own blood sibling for religious reasons. I'm not 100% sure about it, but I'm most certain it is.

So I'm just wondering, with the scientific evidence excluding the existence of Adam and Eve, because of the reasons I stated above, and also perhaps with Islam forbidding the mating of the same blood, how does Islam explain the concept of Human descendence?

Thank You in advance


Its all just a matters of symbols brother.
made from clay, flame, light, very high temperature flame.
Clay or soil are symbol for plants. Plants do not have sense, they are blind, deaf and cannot move with aimed direction. But plants can make their owns need by photosintesa. They must have energy for photosintesa works. Their powers come from seven feelings of creatures.
Flame, light, very high temperature flame are symbols for creature which have senses like eyes. ears, nose, touch, somethings like animals, humans, angels, jiin, saytan, evil.
Animals have senses and they can move to the direct path. But they cannot make their own food. So they must have cooperation with plants. Animals do not have the complete feelings too. They just have satisfaction. There are seven feelings of creatures: satisfaction, composure, wish/longing, like, favor, joy (child happiness), and happiness.
Prophet Adam made by clay this mean: He has made with seven feelings were already inside of him. But he has shape of light creature too. So he has senses too, like animals, humans or angels. He was the first creature has the potential ability of plants and animals united inside him.
Actually mother Eve was the first creature in the world who found the sixth and the seventh feelings [joy (child happiness) and happiness]. She was inherited as far as five feelings from her father Raphael/Israfil. She looked for the sixth and the seventh feelings by herself with the guided from the light of love. But mother Eve wasn't made from clay. She was born as a creature made by light as a symbol (just like the angels). And then she found humans heart (after found the seventh feelings). Human heart attach strings to vision for the face of Allah from inside the heart and outside from the five sense. If we united both face of Allah we could know His will. So only humans could know His will. Mother Eve was the first creature who could know the will of Allah. But Allah ordered her to give her human heart to our father prophet Adam.


Junior Member
Its all just a matters of symbols brother.
made from clay, flame, light, very high temperature flame.
Clay or soil are symbol for plants. Plants do not have sense, they are blind, deaf and cannot move with aimed direction. But plants can make their owns need by photosintesa. They must have energy for photosintesa works. Their powers come from seven feelings of creatures.
Flame, light, very high temperature flame are symbols for creature which have senses like eyes. ears, nose, touch, somethings like animals, humans, angels, jiin, saytan, evil.
Animals have senses and they can move to the direct path. But they cannot make their own food. So they must have cooperation with plants. Animals do not have the complete feelings too. They just have satisfaction. There are seven feelings of creatures: satisfaction, composure, wish/longing, like, favor, joy (child happiness), and happiness.
Prophet Adam made by clay this mean: He has made with seven feelings were already inside of him. But he has shape of light creature too. So he has senses too, like animals, humans or angels. He was the first creature has the potential ability of plants and animals united inside him.
Actually mother Eve was the first creature in the world who found the sixth and the seventh feelings [joy (child happiness) and happiness]. She was inherited as far as five feelings from her father Raphael/Israfil. She looked for the sixth and the seventh feelings by herself with the guided from the light of love. But mother Eve wasn't made from clay. She was born as a creature made by light as a symbol (just like the angels). And then she found humans heart (after found the seventh feelings). Human heart attach strings to vision for the face of Allah from inside the heart and outside from the five sense. If we united both face of Allah we could know His will. So only humans could know His will. Mother Eve was the first creature who could know the will of Allah. But Allah ordered her to give her human heart to our father prophet Adam.

:salam2:Could you please give the references to what you just wrote akhi,jazakallahu khair.:)



Junior Member
So I'm just wondering, with the scientific evidence excluding the existence of Adam and Eve, because of the reasons I stated above, and also perhaps with Islam forbidding the mating of the same blood, how does Islam explain the concept of Human descendence?

1) we dont believe in the origin of species, that man is from apes, ie evolution, as we believe life is a result of the divine ie design and intelligence, not from random chance events ie 10x10 power of 120.
2) we dont agree with their interpretation of fossils and DNA data, creationists in the field will use that same evidence to show that whole groups of speices suddenly came around.
3) Marrying your cousin is fine, it only increase the chance of a genetic disease if the grandparents have a genetic disease, BUT this risk is only 5% which is very low. The rest of the population even if they marry a non-cousin, do you think you're off the hook? Nope, you still have a 3% chance of having children born with a genetic disease. Thus theres no real controversy regarding cousin marriage, the real issue behind them are more social than medical.
4) Islam forbids the marrying of siblings with one another, prophet john told one king not to marry his sister, the king ignored prophet John and beheaded him. After this, that kingdom was ruined.
5) We explain the existence of human beings through Islam, which states Allah created Adam and Eve, the first generation had to marry each other , however its interesting to know that there were 1st, 2 sets of twins, and they were commanded to marry their opposite non-twin. Its interesting because its a precursor to allowing cousin marriages and forbidding sibling marriages, and this is exactly what happen.


Junior Member
:salam2:Could you please give the references to what you just wrote akhi,jazakallahu khair.:)


I have scripts content some islamic thaugt. These scripts wrote by Indonesian scholar. Actually Javanese (one tribe between tribes in Indonesian) with javanese language. Now I still doing the project to translate them into Indonesian language and english. Most of these script content the biography of the writer. The writer was a javanese warrior against christians coloniser. He become a famous Indonesian hero and an ulama too. His name is Prince Diponegoro. Based on the script, Prince Diponegoro was had call by Imam Mahdi to perform war against christians coloniser. There are some conversation among them, and some religion question from Prince Diponegoro to Imam Mahdi.
Actually Prince Diponegoro is my ancestor.