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ASALMO ALEEKOM. I DO NOT HAVE KNOWLEDGE ON THIS SUBJECT AND PROBABLY THAT IS WHY PEOPLE are not answering either. BUT. I do know that there is an answer that will amaze you (positively) insha Allah. PLEASE read up on the matter at notice this website has a unique style (like those of early scholars like Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Tayymeyah. in that they always provide evidence/support from the Quran, Sunnah, Hadith to prove their claims. That is the only way you can be sure you are not being fooled (purposly or unintentionally) I myself am just beggining to awaken to the realities of Islam. I am slowly becoming a True believer Alhamdullelah. and Knowledge coupled with E'badah i.e. action are the only way to strengthen your faith in Allah. Insha Allah.) ..... and Allah SWT knows best