Could i ask for your praying?


New Member
Asselemou Alaikum wa rahamatou Allah ou barakatouhou,

I am a new sister inché Allah.
I am writing here since I didn't have where to write, where I can find persons who pray for what i am praying for.

I am divorced since two months and it is still only a month for the period after divorce to the possibility of getting back to my husband soon inché Allah.

All the persons that I know including my parents said to me that i have to forget all my painful "story" but i still think very deeply that the ishaytan have made all to get to this end even if i am very hurted. Subha Allah, my husband and me, the first reason for which we have decided to marry is that we have exactly the same goals which are devoting all to il Islam since Allah gifted us by the most prestigious scientific formation.

Sisters and brothers, I can't ask any person of my surrounding to pray for me since they are against. Ilhamd li Allah that Allah give us the possibility of iddou'a. Could i ask you to pray for me just for a second that i get back to my husband and get over the ishaytan deeds.

May be with more dou'a, Allah take awah ichaytan from our goals and from our husbands.
All the doors are closed and i am not stopping praying.

Sorry for bothering you and Jezekum Allahou kulla ilkhayr.

wa alaikum isselem wa rahmatu Allah wa baraketouhou.


Trying 2 plz ALLAH
As Salaamu Alaikum Sister, May ALLAH ease ur pain. Insha ALLAH may u and ur zawj b reunited insha ALLAH


New Member
Allah yijzikum kul khir. Subhana Allah wal hamdu li Allah "wé inna liLéhi oué inna ileyHi raji'oun" ...


*Fear Allah*
Salam Alaikum

May Allah Ta'Ala rebuild the bond between you and your husband and make an easier way for the both of you to deal just with each other. Ameen

Inshallah Sister Allah Ta'Ala brings this man back to you and give you both the strengh to work it for the Sake of Allah. I will remember you in my Du'aas.



Pls mak Duwa 4 me

May Allah give u patience and give u the best of here and here after life Sister.Ameen. As he is the all knowing.

Allah Hafiz.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

:tti_sister:May Allah the most merciful and benificient ease ur pain.... May Allah give u strength... Oh Allah I ask you to accept her Dua'a and our dua's as well..for her to rejoin with her beloved husband.. Oh Allah please allow them to continue their life together if that is what u have written for them... Ameen Allahuma Ameeen:tti_sister:

Take Care,

Zainudin Jaffar

Strive to be Mukmin
Asalam Alakum,

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

:tti_sister:May Allah the most merciful and benificient ease ur pain.... May Allah give u strength... Oh Allah I ask you to accept her Dua'a and our dua's as well..for her to rejoin with her beloved husband.. Oh Allah please allow them to continue their life together if that is what u have written for them... Ameen Allahuma Ameeen:tti_sister:

Take Care,
