Dear brother and sisters what is your intension when you post?


Shahid abdullah
:salam2: Deer brothers and sisters

I just want to learn what is your intention when you post. As our deeds depends on our intention. Please share your thinking and your intention.


Make dua for us all

To remind myself and my brothers and sister of different topics in Islam... Also, to clear any misconception about Islam by thinking about the question asked and searching for answers, and reading others answers...

Iman goes up and down, I love to be with muslims all the time to keep my iman in a stable level :)

May Allah accept all our effort :salah:

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
My intentions during posting is to help give advice to my brothers and sisters, from my ecperiances and what I know and understand. My intentions are never to make people think good of me, or to think highly of me, rather, when I give advice, I do it becuase I want to help my brothers and sisters in Islam, and I do it for Allah Ta Alla.

I hope that helps answer your question brother :)

Assalmu Alykum



Shahid abdullah
Salam brother your intentions are really good.

But sorry i did not discuss my intention. I am really open so please forgive me.

When i post
1.I look at numbers of viewers.
2.I normally think all other like childern who really need to learn and i am sent by Allah to teach them so i post a long topic to show little childern a true path.(idiotism)

Please when you share your intention also advice me how to get rid the kibr or you can say riya.


Junior Member
Very difficult to measure our niyyah. When we said we are sincere, then we may already insincere in our niyyah. There is a saying ( i am not sure whether it is hadeeth or not) that sincere niyyah is like a black ant on the black stone in the dark night.
For me I am posting things here to ask questions, share information or If I can, answering some of the questions (I wish I could answer some difficult question but unfortunately I don't have knowledge). Why I do this? Because I want others benefit what I think somehow beneficial and may Allah rewards me eventhough it is very simple answer or I can perform my ibadah with confident when I received concrete answer.
Sometime due to language capability, the message what we actually wanted to say may not properly typed in writing. People may interpret it as sign of showing off or same kind of gesture.
One aspect I really appreciate when someone tell the mistake has been done in straightforward manner. I don't like those 'sarcastic' type reply. What I mean is that the reply using 'obscure' word that really pierce the heart. me niyyah is between ourself and Allah. Sometime peoples might see it as insincere, but if we verified our niyyah before Allah and we satisfy with it, then by all mean click submit button :).



Junior Member

My intention is mostly to make dua for those sharing information, occasionally to contribute with the little knowledge I have and often to try to help bring us together as a global ummah, to put our differences aside for the sake of Allah. Sometimes, it is to give support or encouragement to other reverts or to answer questions from non-muslims.



My intentions is before I click that mouse, that Allah knows and I know that this will benefit someone, and take heed to the knowledge. Our hearts are not sometimes in the things that we post,and we have to make sure that we put our heart into it. That post could mean someone taking their shahadah or not(Allah knows best).

Also know that the angels are writing everything that we say, so that should be important also. May Allah accept our intentions, Ameen!:blackhijab:


Brother in ISLAM
Dear brothers and sisters.. Well my intention.. Well first of all i am a g33k(geek/nerd)so i had this habit of showing of the skills in geeky world that i have(thats how u compete in geek world.. You can see some of the side effects i.e. Sig) Alhamdulillah i am coming out of it slowly .. As i stated in one of the other thread that i too feel like a revert(the one who comes back to islam).. So back to the intention.. Its plain, share whatever information i've over islam which i mostly get from islam-qa(getting the proper keyword is tedious at times) .. And as my source of inspiration for my reversion are reverts.. Whenever i am free i come here to help the people on this board.. I feel like this a BIG family and i am proud of being a member of it..

Lastly, I come here to learn more about islam and practice it on the spot.. Alhamdulillah i've been strange lately.. As in a hadeeth"Glad tidings to the strangers"



*Fear Allah*

Salam Brother. I just wanted to say I noticed you changed the subtitle from under your name. Alhumdulilah. Way to go Brother :):):) Change is Awesome!

When I post something it is because I have read it and find it meaningful, know about it or experienced it and feel that I can contribute something beneficial to someone elses life. Wether it is one brother/sister or a few. Just to offer help or advice to a fellow brother makes me feel proud to lend a helping hand. For I know I would want the same for myself. When I post something maybe everyone cannot benefit but if one brother/sister can then I feel a blessed.

Salam Amirah80


Shahid abdullah
Salam Brother. I just wanted to say I noticed you changed the subtitle from under your name. Alhumdulilah. Way to go Brother Change is Awesome!

Thanks sis. previous one was scarry. Lol not for sis but brother was telling me it is scarry.

If all of you have good intention than tell me how to get rid of this riya.


speak good or silent

What is riya, brother? Sorry, my arabic is limited :)


The Arabic term riya' is roughly translated as "showing off," which means doing something to please others or to gain their approval and admiration, instead of focusing on receiving God's approval, satisfaction, and pleasure. Riya' is the opposite of the Arabic term ikhlas [purity of intention].

May Allah give us a pure intention in doing any kind of good deeds.


Shahid abdullah
What is riya, brother? Sorry, my arabic is limited

PRIGGISHNESS or a person who is hypocrite. Like a person i am very god fearing person but he is not and all this to show other people that he is pious so people will respect him. Hope it will clear the question. I am not good in english.


A Believer In Heart
Assalamu Alaykum,

My intentions are to learn something and posts what i know to help others. I come here to learn something or help someone learn things. Also i come here to get tast of what all the Muslims around the world thing on one topic.

The best know is to try to do the opposite of everything you do. I think.

My intentions are to talk about issues which we usually don't think of or don't talk enough of. I like to gain sawab for helping non-Muslims, which can sometimes mean refuting and trying to defend Islam. I also like to keep my posts balanced. To show laughter, seriousness, humbleness, cry, simplicity, etc.

I believe balance is an important part of being a Muslim. We should always balance our life in prayer, family, Quran, friends, eating, sleeping, exercising etc.



My intention of coming here is to interact with people who are trying to practise true Islam, as I see that decreasing in my enviroment. I think of being with you guys as a source of indirect emotional support.

Another thing is that I want to know how muslims in different cultures think and view their religion, as I'm planning to engage in dawa when I finish my education, in sha' Allah. It's kind of getting me used to talk to my fellow muslims from all over the world.

In the end, it will all return to the main goal which is to enter paradise without any punishment, in sha' Allah. May Allah grant all the members of this board His mercy and His paradise.

Salam, :)


Shahid abdullah
i was also attracted to see how people from different region think about Islam and how they are practicing Islam.