Declaration Of Leadership Council Of Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan


Strength in Unity
About Setting Up An Independent Investigation Team On The Killing Of Civilians


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
Assalam Aalaikom Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh

As you know in 2007, Ameer Al-Mu’meneen Mullah Muhammad Omar (Mujahid) demand that an independent investigation team should be established, who's task would be to conduct an investigation in the killing of innocent civilians, and now once again the leadership council of Islamic Emirate makes a request to different organisations of common people, tribal elders and independent journalists to investigate the people who are involved in the butchering of thousands and thousands of innocent Afghans, and after carrying out a comprehensive non-bias investigation they should share their findings with the world, so that the whole world could see and identify who the real terrorists are.

The leadership council of Islamic Emirate purposes that the investigation team should be divided into small groups and with each group one Taliban and one NATO soldier should be assigned at all times, the investigation should be conducted all over Afghanistan, were the investigation team members will directly ask the Afghan civilians, who is it that his murdering their love ones, arresting innocent people, destroying their homes and fields.

The Afghans know the crimes of American, NATO and ISAF forces, who from time to time even bombard wedding ceremonies, in which hundreds of people been martyred, one example was in Uruzgan province also in Khost province in which a number of tribal elders were also martyred, the cowardly bombardments are also a routine after Mujahideen attack American, NATO, ISAF or ANA forces.

The Afghans have witness how they who claim to protect the civilians have open fire on innocent civilians, like in Kandahar after a bomb blast the Canadian soldiers fired on civilians on Torkham and Jalalabad highway, after a martyrdom attack in Baghlan province ANA fired on school children's, also when American, NATO, ISAF and ANA forces are defeated in a face to face fighting, they cowardly bombard civilians homes, fields and bazaars, the American occupation army in its bombardments is using dirty chemical bombs.
We the Afghans know who the looters and murderers are, but we want the whole world to also know this fact too.

The leadership council of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan appreciates the affects of those who our standing up for truth, and are not afraid of speaking the truth under all circumstances, its people like this who exemplify honour and dignity, may Allaah protect those who are working to establish truth and justice all over the world.

The leadership council of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan