

Junior Member

Written By: Ashraf Sadek

Nobody in this world knows what will happen to him in the future, only GOD, the creator of all creatures and things, knows that; it's exactly what is called destiny. Destiny is considered to be all the incidents, events, facts, and other things related to human beings that will happen during a whole life, it's written from birth till death and of course all actions in-between.

You didn't have the choice to choose your parents, nationality, religion, face, body and even the money that you'll gain during your whole life and some other facts that you are not choosing you have simply found them from your first day and you can't change till your death.

But there are a lot of things you can choose, like friends, school, work, country, partner and many other things. But if you want to be successful in choosing all these important things, you must work hard in your life and spend all your efforts to implement what you believe that it's right and beneficial for you and all the people around you. You should obey GOD and pray to him and ask for his support and help forever and always because he is the creator of all things including you, so he knows exactly what is suitable for you.

You can never know or guess what is good for you, so please don't ask no one except GOD, don't ever never complain to anyone that you are suffering in your life, who knows what is the best for you except GOD, who knows what you likes and what you dislikes, if you made a wish you can never know what is the right time to happen, GOD knows.

Be good to all the people around you, distribute your nice words among the people that you love, wish for your family, friends, partner, colleagues, brothers and sisters a better life and of course you should first; obey GOD, who created you with your fine looks, with all the gifts that he gave you and I'm sure that If you made all these things, whenever you ask him anything he will make it for you and even much more better than what you expected and wished, but when? It is not yours, he is the only one that will say exactly when, and you must be sure that this is the right time.

If you obeyed GOD and prayed regularly; He will send you the best friends to enjoy your unforgettable moments together, the most beautiful place to live in, the best job that is ideally fits your talents and skills, the cutest and the most beautiful angel as your partner and many many other Gifts that are uncounted and after death it’s the biggest prize; HEAVEN.

When You Pray To GOD and ask him something, He Has Two Answers;

YES… or Yes But Not Now…..

Written By: Ashraf Sadek
